
Sunday, July 18, 2010

My first post!

Well hi there!

I'm new here, and it is my hope that I will find something interesting enough to say (and spell it correctly) so that at least a few people will read it... I find myself reading and enjoying quite a number of blogs lately and so decided to try one of my as they say, here goes!! You may have guessed that I am obsessed with pink. I must not be the only one, as the first few names that I chose for my new blog were already taken (the nerve) I came up with this one. Hope you like it.

Now, hmmm, what to say. My sister has a blog, she home schools and talks about that...I don't, nor do I desire to, and besides my one and only is off to college in the fall so I am facing an empty nest soon, so maybe that will be a future topic...we'll see...I am soon to, or maybe I am going through menopause, OK no maybe, so there is VN friends talk about that and other things...hmmm...

I am very involved in breast cancer advocacy and with Susan G Komen for the Cure so I may mention that a time or two. I am a 15 year breast cancer survivor and involved on the local and national front, so expect that. I guess I can talk about anything I want, this is mine right? How cool is that?

I read a lot, much to my husband's chagrin...I only say that because I find it very easy to click on those books and have them magically appear on my kindle list! Voila! "it adds up" he says..."Blah!"I say...You will find that I like the I may post about that.

I am so pink that I just bought the best pair of Danskos for work and they are very pink patent leather with the ribbon. I will post a picture!! My FB friends got a kick out of that.

I am an embryologist by trade. I work in a busy embryology lab associated with a fertility center here in Maryland. It can be interesting but stressful, you might say I make babies for a living.

My favorite music is smooth jazz and as I write I am listening to Crag Chaquico, lovely!

OK, so that's the run down on me...I'll try to find something a little more interesting for my next post or maybe something more philosophical or whatever...Has anyone out there read The Alchemist? I just did, and I loved it!!

So that's it for now, thanks for reading, I hope someone reads this...


  1. Pinkim, Just read your blog and very nice start. I have family in Clinton, MD. I'm still looking for the perfect pink lipstick for me!
    I work for telecommunications company and hope to retire in 4 years.
    Congrats on your 15 year recovery, the best is yet to come...TRACK

  2. Kim, Great blog! Very pink - very you.
    Who wrote The Alchemist? Is it on your Kindle or on paper?
    Tell us more about your job.....

  3. Hey TRACK...I see you all the time on VN, thanks for looking! I have the perfect(at least for me) lipstick, it is a color from MAC, called "Girl about town" I know they can be expensive so I keep my eye out on ebay and sometimes buy it there! Happy looking!
    Wow,retirement, I wish I could say I am looking to retire in four years, but that won't happen. Oh well...
    Thinking, Pinkim

  4. Hey Cathy! Good to see you here, I read The Alchemist on my Kindle but it is a real book also by Paulo Coelho. I really enjoyed it and highly recommend it.

    As far as the job goes, I think I'll make that another post at another stay tuned! How exciting people looked at my blog!

    Staying PINKim

  5. Well done and congratulations!

    My California bike is pink, as are my most comfortable bike shorts.

    A kindred fan of the dots...I look forward to following your blog!

  6. Thanks Tracy I'd love to see a picture of the pink bike.

  7. embryology must be an interesting job, i happened to have the need for one twice, but obviously it didn't work out for me.

  8. Hey Jennifer! I am very sorry to hear that you both felt the need for an embryologist and that it didn't work out for you...

    I also got your message on how to create a new page and as you can see if you have been back...I was able, thanks to you, to create a page and to start collecting buttons!
    So thanks!!

  9. Kim, I'm on FB too. I'm Claudette Charlebois Frid.
    Come friend me if you want.


Thank you so much for visiting my Little Pink Blog:) It looks like I now have the ability to reply to your comments! YAY! So I hope you check to see if I have left you a reply, because I always read your comments. They really tickle me...Pink of course...