
Saturday, August 7, 2010

My magic backyard...

Hi There,
For the first time in a week and a half I find myself sitting here very relaxed and maybe even (dare I say it) happy. I am sitting at the table in our backyard. Ostensibly, I am working on 18 grant reviews that are due in less than 2 weeks. But if I am honest, with you and myself, I have to say that I have been out here for a good hour and a half and have not clicked on that tab yet...

You see I have this ritual when I sit down with the computer. (have I mention that it is PINK?) First I go through my email, I am very involved as a volunteer with my local affiliate of the Susan G Komen for the Cure and our Race for the Cure(RFTC) is rapidly approaching, scheduled for October, 3, 2010. If any of you out there will be in the Baltimore area then and would like to stop by we would love to have you. I am chair of Survivor activities and so I am receiving emails with regard to that and many other important, oh, maybe advertisements for MAC cosmetics and ebay searches that must be looked at...

After the emails, which might include VN post responses that lead me on a VN venture...another lovely side trip...I head for Face book...there I check out all of the new posts that have arrived since I was last there and maybe post a few of my own and make a few comments etc...I might even check my work email...although not yet this morning...

Then after all of that and a few sips of coffee, maybe the atmosphere of the lovely weather, the pink of the laptop with the smooth jazz coming from its little speakers, the lovely breeze(helped by the little fan next to me, and the blooming rose of sharon along the perimeters of the yard...and voila!!!My mood is in a happy stress free place...It happened gradually, I didn't even realize it...and here I am...It has been a lousy couple of weeks...could've been worse of course, but you know how it can stomach was in knots, and here I am...One little morning out in my backyard, and there you go...even the thought of all those grants won't bring me down. After all, I did volunteer for that...

Now, I have to tell you a secret, I am off all of next week so work cannot touch me...but that didn't help yesterday...and anyway, I am off and so is my husband, in order that we may get my daughter ready to fly the coop. She is heading down to South Carolina to Coastal Carolina University to begin her college career! She is our one and only so I will have an empty nest!

She had a goodbye party last night back here in the yard...I was not invited...but I got to say Hi to all of the bathroom goers as they paraded by while I watched my favorite baseball and played/worked on my computer...That was fun! Some of the girls actually asked to see me, even better.

So that's the story of my amazing, magical isn't anything fancy. Just a porch that runs the length of the house, with a metal awning for shade. But it is an older yard with a lot of trees and green and growth, I guess you could say it has character, and oh, yes! It has this really cute American Eskimo dog named Lily wandering around and a whole lot of bunnies and squirrels and birds too....HAPPY SIGH...

I am Pink, and I am back to happy today!!

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