
Sunday, August 1, 2010

Some Days...

Some time back, maybe a few months now, I purchased a new is pink of course and I am having a good time with it. Today, as I sit here in my outdoor "office" I decided that it was time to load a few things onto it. Mainly my music. I had already put my new Jonathan Butler CD on there and also the free download that Dave Koz urged us to go get while listening to him play the other night. Well, I have a slew of music on my Zune that is not on the new computer and so I googled the instructions and sure enough, it looked simple. Hook the Zune to the computer, click on the device icon and drag the music you wish to sync over to the the PC to the collection icon. Well not quite 2 hours later I am still trying and quite frustrated, because if something is so simple it has to mean that I am doing something wrong right?

Now, as you might imagine by this time it is a matter of principle, I must finish this! So back to the drawing board! This time I think carefully, there is no way to have both icons active at the same time, in fact there really isn't a collection what happens when I right click on an item I want to drag and drop(my DHs idea actually) viola! what do I see? there is a command there that says "copy to my collection" hmmm...I click on it and yep, you guessed it, things moved along quite merrily...the only thing that I can think of is that things have changed since the new software update and no one bothered to change the instructions...

So come on Microsoft! Update your manual, because even though I googled it, what I ended up doing was following the manual that came up. Sheesh! Now that I have my music synced over, it is time for a baseball game, so much for the smooth jazz I was planning on piping out here...

Every time I think I am getting to be quite computer savvy something else comes up to burst my bubble...please, please, little pink computer, can't you just let me hang onto my illusions just a little while longer...sigh...


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