
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I was so Wrong! But I had Help!

Hi There,
Some of you may remember my post titled  Two Faced , from a couple of weeks ago. In that particular post I mentioned that, and I quote " It seems that while I am away I am the topic of conversation and not in a good way, and then there are consequences"- While this statement still holds true, it does not, however, refer to the "Golden Girls" as I previously thought. By the way, the Golden Girls are so dubbed due to the beautiful golden color of their is naturally that color!...sigh...

I hereby offer my public apology to those two! I have already spoken to the one that I really believed was the culprit. We were able to speak of the incident today. I am very thankful for that!

Why, you might ask, did this all happen? Why in the world, would I ever think that someone that I believed to be not just a co-worker but a friend would have done this kind of thing? Let me tell you why! Because that is the direction I was led in by the person who spoke to me. As I drew my incorrect conclusion and spoke about it very candidly with her and the one that actually did the dirty deed, they did nothing to correct the assumption, and in fact did much to perpetuate said conclusion.

I was bad. They(the real guilty parties) were worse. I have apologized. they have not. But I have learned. It is over.

Now, I will move on from this. Hopefully a wiser person...

I just hope I am learning so that I don't keep making the same mistake...

Thank you for reading, I felt I owed them this!
Stay Pink!

1 comment:

  1. It seems to me like you're a fast learner kiddo. I wouldn't worry about making the same mistake again.


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