
Sunday, September 12, 2010


Hi There,
My daughter came home this weekend for a quick visit! She drove, and 3 of her friends at school that also live in the area came with her. It was a whirlwind of a weekend and it was a blast. I had tons of work to get done but that was OK because she had tons of people to see and not too many hours to be here so...

But the picture says it all. Look at that smile! I thought that poor Lily was going to go into shock. You see she had a sister who went away and just never returned and I guess that's what she thought Caitlin had done. I had gone in the back and as I came back out and crossed the living room I caught a glimpse of her white CCU sweatshirt outside the window...she was HOME! I looked at lily and crouched and looked at the door and said Lily look! SHE"S HOME!! Caitlin came through the door and dropped her stuff and went straight for Lily...Lily dropped and slinked over with her tail down and didn't make a sound she snuggled and looked so confused..and then...she just started moaning and crying and talking to Caitlin and they could not get enough of each other...It was so sweet. Then it was my turn! Poor Kirke missed the whole thing because he ran out for milk because my girl is a big milk drinker. Well then she fell asleep leaning against me on the couch (it is a 9 hour drive) ,some things never change, me with the fan and sweating she covered in a heavy blanket in sweatshirt and pants.Then she went to see friends. Saturday afternoon she went to the HS game with a couple of friends that had also come home for the weekend and then that night we went to see CCU play TSU here in town. Then this morning she left to meet the other 3 girls and head back to South Carolina. She called around 7:30 this evening to say she had made it safe and sound. It was sad to see her leave this morning. It was very sad/hard to watch her say goodbye to Lily. As I watched her get into the car to back out of the driveway I saw her wipe away a tear. I said "she's crying" I hear my husband say, "me too"...

Stay Pink!

PS. I am told that she is giving it the college try, but there are very real and serious problems with at least one of the roommates behavior and that she does not think that she likes the college. She is going to give it the entire year. She loves her classes. She likes the campus. She is not homesick, I can see that this is true. I hope that when she is moved out of this room things will get better.


  1. You're young one is gorgeous! I'm glad she got home for a visit. I remembered liking it too when they left again though.BTW-What kind of dog is Miss Lily? She's beautiful as well.

  2. This brought back memories of my first few times coming home from college. Very powerful experience.

  3. Hey Michele, Thank you! It was fun having her home...Lily is an American Eskimo. She is a miniature. They also come in standard and toy. A very smart breed so they can cause a lot of

  4. Hi Fred,
    Thanks for stopping by. This was Caitlin's first visit home from college and she is our all of this is a new experience for us. We are in Maryland and We left her at Coastal Carolina University in South Carolina in August.


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