
Sunday, October 24, 2010

Hey I Read a Book this Weekend!!

Hi Everyone!

I had such a great time with the last post that I have been putting off doing another one. Just didn't think I could do a decent follow up to that one, but I guess I have to jump back in here sometime huh?...It is Sunday night and I am typing to the sounds of Sunday Night Football. This is a weekend ritual for me, the last thing that I hear on a Sunday night before finally dragging myself  off to bed. I say that because I hate to go to bed on Sunday nights. At least if it involves getting up for work on Monday morning...Not so much if I have off on Monday morning...But anyway, that is not what this post is about, not really...that could and probably will, be another post some day...I just spent a very enjoyable fall weekend enjoying one of the things that I like to do most with my spare time! I read for a good part of the weekend. The weather was glorious on this fall weekend and so we had the front and back doors open and I could hear the rustle of the leaves and the sounds of the baseball and football games on the TV...Wonderful! Can you picture it?

I have always been an avid reader. I read all kinds of things. When I was younger my concentration was mainly in the romance genre, but I can honestly say that while I can still be seen reading a good romance, I have branched out quite a bit. I have a whole host of favorite authors and it must be said that I am now a steadfast fan of the e-reader, the Amazon Kindle. I simply love it, even though it does not come in pink...mine has a pink cover! Anyway, most of you know that I am an embryologist by trade but what I really wanted to be when I grew up was an archeologist. I am still, and always will be fascinated with history, ancient history, to be exact. I love it when I can find adventure books that combine all of my loves. David Gibbins has written just such a series. These books can stand alone...I just happen to have read all of them so far, and this weekend I read the latest. They feature an underwater marine archeologist named Jack Howard and all of the wonderful supporting characters one could ask for. The stories move from the ancient past to the present and back, are fast paced, and keep you on the edge of your can't wait to find out what happens next and then when the adventure is over you can't wait for the next book to come out...I had to actually read this one in book form as it was not available in kindle form...what the hell?...I mentioned to a friend while on break when she commented on seeing me with an actual book that my thumb was getting sore from holding the cover down! She laughed and commented back that I needed to "get it back in shape" lol...

The author of these incredible books, as I mentioned before, is David Gibbins and he is, himself, an archeologist that does underwater excavation. Thus, much of what he writes is based on his own experiences, although it is fiction. I learn a lot about history through his books and I like that. He, of course, has a website It's a great place to visit. You can get his books anywhere. I got them at! Oh, the name of the book I just finished reading? It is The Mask of Troy!

Hope you had a great weekend too!
Stay Pink!


  1. Thanks for the recommendation. It sounds like my kinda book. If you like books like that you should check out Clive Cussler. He has done extensive marine salvage in his life and his novels are fascinating with stories dating back many centuries. I believe I've read them all.

  2. Yes, I read his all the time! I am eagerly awaiting his next one! I know you'll like these if you like Clives


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