
Saturday, October 2, 2010

I am a Blogger! Hear me ROAR!!!

Hi There,
I really can't believe that I am actually taking time to do this this morning, but here goes...I have a lot to do today. That is an understatement. Our Race for the Cure here in Maryland is tomorrow and I have a tent to get ready...Not just any tent, THE TENT. I am in charge of the survivor tent...but that is a story for another day...

Today's blog, before I drag my family out of the house, yes my daughter came home, and head over to the site, is about something that took place over the last few days...Yesterday I was, quite simply, enraged by it. We have been thinking of adopting another dog, another little Eskie girl to keep our sweet Lily company.(that's her) Lily had a sister that we lost to renal failure last year...Since Caitlin has gone off to college and we both work we feel that Lily needs company. We like to do the rescue thing. A few months back we had a home inspection and we were hoping to adopt a little Eskie girl named Little Girl. She was a mirror image of Lily, but not in personality that is for sure! She terrorized poor Lily. Well, we thought, we can work through that...Then we humans sat with her...she snuggled but had a tendency to snap and growl all of a sudden for no reason...We spent the better part of an afternoon with LG and her foster human Cheryl. Well it seems that LG did not like me for some reason, to the point that she actually bit me! Twice! She actually broke the skin! I just sat there calmly and waited for her to let go,,,which, I must say, did not happen all that quickly and Cheryl seemed not to think to help me with it...

So flash forward to this week...Caitlin has left now and we decide to pursue the idea once again. I look at a few pictures put in an inquiry. A woman answers...I explain that we have had a home inspection and that we had been assured at the time that all was well and that we would not have to have another one should we decide to adopt a different dog. Needless to say, we had decided to forgo LG.

However, I could not remember Cheryl's name so I looked up Little Girl to find the foster mom's name. While there I read LG's little blurb...imagine my surprise when I read that she has uncontrolled snapping but "has never bitten anyone" I thought well that is interesting...but I decided not to say anything, although it did make me very uncomfortable. Well I gave Cheryl's name and the information and waited...Word came back that Cheryl did not remember doing our home inspection...well, I thought how could she not? Her damn dog bit me!! So I, of course, being the bitch that I can be, proceeded to mention this...

Well you will not believe the response that I received...not only did the paperwork miraculously appear, but apparently we had failed both our vet inspection and our home inspection! Well now, I am just plain pissed!! Because, of course this is just not true. So not only has Cheryl lied about Little Girl on line about the biting but now she is lying about us!! She has messed with the wrong person. I shoot off a masterpiece. I laid it all out. I mentioned the untruths in the Little Dog write up, the fact that when she left we were not to worry about adopting another dog, home inspection done etc...and that I felt that all this had come down because I had caught Cheryl in a lie and had had the gall to call her on it. I ended with the fact that I did not believe that we would be able to trust the organization enough to adopt from them in the future. To this person's credit, her response was very professional and soothing. She said that she in no way had sent any response due to what had been said, she would see to it that if biting had occurred that the write up would be changed and that we could start over and she would give us another chance. I have no intention of doing that, but I do give her credit...Heidi was caught in the middle of an awkward situation and handled it well. Unfortunately for them and the little eskies, I am a blogger! Hear me ROAR!!!
Oh, and the organization?

Stay Pink!!


  1. First, thanks for all your hard work with the race. I really appreciate it. Hopefully, sooner rather than later they'll be a cure, or a vaccine. I know folks like you are going above and beyond. Now back to the canine conundrum. Wow! That must've been really intense. They knew about LG's propensity to bite before placing her. They did; and they hid it. Shame on them.

  2. Yeah, what a bite!! Pun intended...

    The race was a huge success! More about that later! Our tent was lovely! There are a few pics. up on FB.

    It is a lot of work but is is a labor of love for sure...


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