
Friday, January 21, 2011

Hey Look at Me, I won an Award!!

Blooming Lovely has awarded me this honor! she says that she  would like to pass on to me the 'Versatile Blogger' award,That I have a lovely blog &  feel that I am worthy of this award. Isn't that nice? I am so, well, Tickled Pink!

Now, I have to tell you that there are a few rules associated with receiving and accepting the here they are...                                                   

Rules for accepting this award:
Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them in your post
Tell us seven things about yourself
Award 15 recently discovered new bloggers
Contact these bloggers and let them know they've received the award

            1. I LOVE PINK : bet you didn't know that...
            2. We may be getting a puppy this weekend...
            3. I am a breast cancer survivor...
            4. I LOVE using the dots...
            5. I am a member of the Susan G Komen Advocates in Science
                 steering committee
            6. I am an Embryologist by day (that means I make babies, lol...)
            7. My favorite TV show is...NCIS...
The blogs that I have chosen to pass this award to are:
Allegro Mamma
The accidental Blogger
Bodacious Boomer
My Life as a Real Housewife
What's Charlie Talking about?
Wandering Through The Words
The Pink Pony
The Unexpected Mother
The Beverly Buzz
Old Tweener
Life Happens While Books are Waiting
Love this Bloggin
Just another Day on the Bay
Snooty Primadona's Sparkling Outlook on Life...or Not

So There you have it!!


  1. ok I am truly excited. this is going on my blog right now. thanks so much. And I love Pink also.

  2. I'm with Amy! I'm very excited too! When I get to my computer I'll post it and link right back to you! Thanks so much!!! Now I'm tickled pink!!

  3. Thank you so much! I feel so tingly and happy! Now I'm all tickled pink too! :)

  4. This is so cool! We're all pink tonight!

  5. Thank you so much! I feel honored! :) I'll follow in suit with the other ladies and agree that I feel tickled pink!

    Billie Jean

  6. Hey Billie Jean, You're welcome!

  7. thank you so much! i'll join in the tickled pink bunch. i don't get on the internet much on the weekends, but look for my post the first of the week. can't wait to visit the other ladies as well!!

  8. I'm glad you were tickled pink :) You deserved the award

  9. Thank you so much for the reward!! I feel so special!!

  10. I'm so sorry that I just found this award! I've been so busy trying to get our house ready to put on the market, I've missed a lot I'm afraid. But thank you for adding me as a recipient. I'm not so sure I deserved the award but I do know that you deserved it! Congrats!


Thank you so much for visiting my Little Pink Blog:) It looks like I now have the ability to reply to your comments! YAY! So I hope you check to see if I have left you a reply, because I always read your comments. They really tickle me...Pink of course...