
Monday, January 10, 2011

Why I Do What I Do!!

Hi There,

I took a quick trip this past weekend. I flew to Dallas, TX. I just went overnight so it was a very quick trip but it was for a good cause and it was a busy weekend. I spent the time at a beautiful hotel in a meeting room with a group of scientists and two fellow advocates. We sat around the room with laptops in front of us and we discussed a series of grant proposals. The main topic of all of them was Basic Biology-Micro Metastases. That was the name of the panel we were on and all of the grant proposals we were reviewing were proposing research on that very subject. It was the job of the panel to determine which of those research projects were the best ones. The ones that are destined to become the  ones that Susan G. Komen for the Cure will fund. They will fund these grants with the money that we advocates raise in the trenches...but that is a story for another day...

It was long, there was serious discussion, as you can imagine. But there was also laughter, and a very real sense of purpose. We advocates were there to give voice to the needs and opinions of the patient and to give breast cancer a face. We are well respected. It was a pleasure to take part. These scientists have faces to take to the bench with them.

While we dined together, we talked and one of the things I talked about was this blog, and one blog in particular came to mind...I encourage you to read it if you haven' is called "Why We Walk" Please click and give it a quick read...It speaks to what I do in my spare time and why...I spoke of Bridget and how what we were doing is directly affecting her...I was so tickled with this and happy. We all were.

As it became clear to the panel that we were finishing up prior to the scheduled end time, we all began to grab earlier flights. The weather in Dallas was a mess, it was snowing!

When I got home and unpacked, I sat down and checked my blogs I found an update from Bridget...check it out! My Big Girl Pants(scan Results) That is Bridget's blog...Please click on it...

It seems our work is not done...So I see again, why I was in Dallas for the weekend, and why I spent all that time reviewing those grants, and why we continue to discuss and fund. We are trying Bridget. I hope we can stay ahead of your nemesis!

Stay with me!
Stay Pink!


  1. I read Bridget's blog last night too. Her spirit and determination lift me up as I prepare for another 3-Day season. Thanks to you and Bridget and all the others who continue to try.

  2. Hi Shannon, Thanks. I've had some responses over on FB from people that also follow follow Bridget's blog...

  3. How cool is that? Being on a board that reviews research proposals! It must be a priviledge being able to decide the future direction of such an important area of research!

  4. Wow, exciting stuff you have going one! You go GIRL!

    BTW, YOU won my Pillsbury Strudel Prize Pack!!!!! Congratulations and come over and drop me your info. (you can leave it in a comment as I have comment moderation going on and won't publish that one!). Yippee for YOU!!!!

  5. Congrats!!!! Come see me to pick up your prize!!!

  6. Wow!! I can't believe it Bella Michelle! I never win anything...I am so excited! I'll be right over!

  7. Thanks for all you're doing in the fight against breast cancer.

  8. Hey girl! I got your info and will turn it into blogspark/pillsbury (they will ship your prize pack directly). Sorry I forgot to enable comments on that one post LOL. Happy Thursday!!!!!

  9. Hey, girl! Just went to submit your info for the giveaway and I need a phone # as well (didn't realize). Just send it to me either via comments or Thanks!

  10. Thanks kiddo for all your hard work in behalf of all of us with bazooms. With your full time job too I know it keeps you crazy busy. If you're coming down my way again any time soon, pls let me know. Perhaps we can get together somehow.

  11. BB, I mam going to be there for an over night in Feb. and again for a few day in March!!

  12. Hi Kim!

    I added your awesome button!!!

    Don't forget the Follow Friday 40 and Over Blog Hop!

    Have a great day!!


  13. @ Annie, Yes, it is...but a lot of work and all volunteer! @ Java...Thanks so much!!! As you can see I did not forget!!


Thank you so much for visiting my Little Pink Blog:) It looks like I now have the ability to reply to your comments! YAY! So I hope you check to see if I have left you a reply, because I always read your comments. They really tickle me...Pink of course...