
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Happy Pink Saturday!!

There's nothing I like more than to sleep in on a Saturday and wake up leisurely, with a great cup of coffee... Not exactly what happened today, but that's OK...I had to take our sweet Bailey to the vet for a follow up appointment today. He needed  a couple of booster shots. My husband is away so it was up to me...Bailey and I woke up and cuddled and played a little...a nice way to begin the day...a good thing the little guy woke me up because the alarm clock was still set to Dallas time...sigh...well, I ate quickly and made said cup of coffee, had a couple of sips and hit the ground running...Dropped one of my morning pills...spent some time in panic mode thinking Bailey had eaten it! Realized he had not! Got the crate into the car, covered the bottom, Bailey gets car sick... whizzed off to the Bailey out of the car...discovered that Bailey had uncovered the bottom...sigh...and took him inside...Turns out Bailey does not like the vet after all! Put Bailey back into the car. Drove home. Got Bailey out of car...Bailey did throw up this time...sigh...clean up, put crate back finally feed Bailey...clean up, and...wait for it... reheat earlier cuppa and FINALLY enjoy leisurely cup of coffee...sigh..Happy Pink Saturday!. Oh! it is VERY windy today, Bailey barks at the wind...all kinds of mysterious noises happen when it is windy. I must be protected from them...sigh...
Stay Pink!!


  1. What a busy morning but, even reheated, that cuppa tasted good.

  2. Hope you got some R&R after the vet!

  3. Hope Bailey is feeling better! Thanks for your visit and a belated Happy Pink Saturday to you.


  4. Thanks Everybody! Little Bailey is just fine...he is such a cutie...they said he might be a little achy and sleepy, and maybe he was yesterday...but today, Sunday, he has been rarin' to go!

  5. Worst car ride of my life was taking my cat to the vet. He was young but tough as nails. I had him in a very sturdy cardboard cat carrier and soon learned we would have both been better off with him loose in the car. He howled and clawed until he tore that carrier apart and got loose! My nerves were shattered! Poor Bailey--I really sympathize with him--carsickness is no fun!

  6. I wonder if he'll get over his carsickness. Our golden was car sick early on, then the more we took him places the less often he got sick. Eventually he made many cross country trips with us without incident.


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