
Thursday, March 17, 2011

We can Help!


 I received this email today, I have decided to pass this on in my blog...I hope you will decide 
to read and help...

Today, Susan G. Komen for the Cure founder and CEO Ambassador Nancy G. Brinker called on the world cancer community to help address a looming cancer crisis caused by the nuclear incidents in Japan.  Nancy said that the cancer community has a “vital role to play” and urged global cancer leaders to develop a cancer action plan – today -- for Japan, and for those who may be affected by nuclear incidents today and into the future, wherever they may live.  Susan G. Komen for the Cure will convene a panel of global experts to immediately begin addressing the future cancer risks generated from the Japan incidents and draft a plan of action.

Nancy cited statistics from her tenure on the National Cancer Advisory Board after the Chernobyl accident, an accident that produced the largest group of cancers ever.  After the Three Mile Island accident, there was a 64 percent increase in cancer cases for those who lived within 10 miles of the plant – just in the first five years.

We are asking our vast network of global friends and supporters to sign a petition calling for the release of all information regarding the incident and the potential effects of migrating radiation.  As Japan works to contain the current crisis and provide for the immediate needs of its citizens, we urge the government to partner with the global cancer community to help protect the long term public health of people in Japan and around the world.

Please consider signing this petition and forwarding to others.  The link is


  1. I dropped by after that very nice comment to left me on BodaciousBoomer's blog and have been here for ages catching up on your posts. What a remarkable person you are and a great site. My friend is a breast cancer survivor having contracted it (along with quite a few others who lived near her) through a telephone mast.
    This is a most interesting and informative email I shall pass it on to my friends who are all supporters of cancer awareness groups.
    Lovely to meet you.
    By the way, I've signed up to follow you.
    Warm wishes

  2. Thanks so much for stopping by Carol, and for your kind words...I am so glad you are following! I really enjoyed your post over on BB. Thanks for sharing this with you BC friends and for looking around here. I am kind of new to this and so i appreciate your comments...


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