
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wow!!100 followers!!!

I can't believe it I hit 100 followers! It happened either last night or this morning! Thanks Dana! If you are curious as to why I am thanking Dana...just read on...Dana is a fellow survivor and not only that, she continues to fight the good fight! She took a minute out of her very busy life to become by 100th follower!!

I notice last night just before bed that by humble little blog had 99 followers so I put up a post on Facebook the went something like this...Wow! I have 99 followers...for my blog!! 1 more to hit 100!!! Any takers?? lol!

Funny huh? well, My friend Dana answered the call!! I wish I had a prize for her!! I know I wish and pray for her good health!

Now, something else kind of fortuitous happened today...I received an email from

jennifer @ what would jen do  

in the email it was mentioned that she left a message on my blog...she said "hi there, i gave you an award on my blog."  Well blow me down!! How cool is that? I hit 100 followers and someone gives me an award! 

Well, for some reason, I can't get to my blog at work, or anyone else's for that I had to wait all day to find out what it is!!! and now...without further ado...

Here it is!!! Isn't it pretty? There are, of course, a few rules...First Thanks 

1. Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to their blog.
2. Post seven random facts about yourself.
3. Pass on the award along to 15 other worthy bloggers.

So...7 random facts...

1. I have 100 followers...I guess that was cheating...
2. I am leaving for Dallas tomorrow (TBCRC meeting)
3. I have no idea how to widen the margins on this post again...
4. I had my hair done last night...
5. I love the game of Baseball and the Orioles in particular
6. I am traveling out of town for the next 3 weekends.
7. I love to listen to smooth jazz...

Now to pass on the award


  1. Ah, thank you Pinkim! I'm honoured! And to be included in such good company too - I'm a big fan of Anne & Michelle's blogs.

    Congratulations on the 100 followers!

  2. Oh young one you are too kind. I would love to accept. However, in all fairness I don't know if I should. Til the Hell I'm in ends on the 20th, I have scarce time to post anything at my place. I don't thhink I'll have the time to list everyone else and link to them right now.

    I should be outside right now with Doug and Brett. However, I couldn't feel my fingers and ran inside to warm up.

    Still I feel flattered you awarded me. All my blog buddies are a big part of what's keeping me going right now. Fly safe kiddo and give Mr. Bailey a big squeeze for me.

  3. Thanks so much for the award! I feel honored to be in such good company! Congrats on the 100 followers! Such a milestone - may the next 100 come easily! I'll let you know when I've posted my award!

  4. Bonsoir Kim
    I haven't had an award for over a year now. Seems like girls do not like them anymore. When I first starting blogging over 2 yrs. ago, one couldn't wait to get awards. Then they starting putting "award free". To me that was like getting a present and returning it because you didn't like the giver.
    I'm flattered that you thought of me. This blog is so new I'm not sure what to do. i have done it on my previous blog, and the girls learned something new about me, now, well, they all know me, LOL. Not sure anything would surprise them... but you never know.
    Thanks again Kim.
    About your margins. I've just learned about them today. I stretched the sh-- out of my middle area and it bounced back to it's original. Not sure I can help you, but if I learn it I will let you know.
    Happy Travels.
    Love Claudie


Thank you so much for visiting my Little Pink Blog:) It looks like I now have the ability to reply to your comments! YAY! So I hope you check to see if I have left you a reply, because I always read your comments. They really tickle me...Pink of course...