
Saturday, April 9, 2011

It"s Pink Saturday!!

Happy Pink Saturday!! I know it is for me...This is the first day in months that I have been able to just awaken when my body felt like it...Ahhh...what a wonderful feeling! (I am so not a morning person) My little Bailey must have thought so too because he was right there with me. He was all cozied up with me in the bed...I really thought he would be out gallivanting elsewhere, but there he was, right next to me...still is, as a matter of fact... that's him to the right...he is on the floor next to me snuggling with my slipper. OK, so in honor of Pink Saturday, I may have doctored the picture a little bit...and given him a little bit of a pink hue...I think I like it! Bailey and I are going to spend the day together...Caitlin is working and the Hubby is out shopping...he is doing the marketing and such...He has been away all week, and what a week it has been around here! So I  have to tell you that I am ready for some R&R...

Baseball has started and my team, The Orioles, is 5-1 on the season so far so we are off to a good start...I am a real baseball fan at heart so I am in heaven now that the season is under way...It also does my heart good to see that my beloved baseball has embraced a cause so close to my heart...They do this every year and it warms my heart...Might warm my heart a little bit more if I had actually ever won said contest...just sayin'...I have a bunch of pink gear... I am nearing the end of my pink post for today, I'll leave you with two more images. I am off to peruse a few pink posts, maybe to grab my pink covered kindle and watch a few baseball own Orioles are playing a single gate double header today!!  Go O's!
That image seemed an appropriate one for my theme

But I think I'll actually leave you with this one...Have a Peacefully Pink Weekend everyone...

Joins us over at Beverly's howsweetthesound. for Pink Saturday! and Stay Pink Ya'll


  1. That's why we get along so great pinky. I'm SO NOT A MORNING PERSON also. My dogs have leaned to never wake me up unless there is an EMERGENCY in the mornings. Hubby and kids too, HA.
    Happy Pink Sat. my friend.
    Hope your team wins.
    Love Claudie

  2. The lipstick you ask? It's an Audrey Hepburn secret ; )
    Kidding. I went to a site with blingy images and/or googled signatures. Copied the code and voila... A friend actually pointed me in the right direction. I'm no techie believe you me. But I needed something girly.
    P.S. Your comment came in when I was commenting on your site...see see...

  3. Oh that's too funny that we were commenting at the same time...I love it!

  4. What beautiful pink photos you chose. Happy Pink Saturday.

  5. Yay! I've finally subscribed via Networked blogs - I'm the funny looking one with the glasses... :-)

    One day - real soon - I'll get my act together! :-)

    Loving Pink Saturday - think you'll like the photo of my bedroom...

  6. Thanks for stopping by, I love the kitty in pink:-) My kitties are always sleeping as close as they can to me, which of course I love because after all, they are my babies. LOL Love all the pinks. Thanks for sharing.

    Hope you had an awesome Pink Saturday and a blessed week ahead!

    Warm Regards, CindyLew

  7. Well I hope you had a very good Pink Saturday!
    Looks like besides Pink, we have a few other things in common! I too am NOT a morning person, and I too am a true fan of the boys of summer! The similarities end there thoug, as I am a to the bone NY Mets fan (hubby is a NY Yankee fan ~ our house is a fun place this time of year), but I always say it is the game first that I love and I am truly a fan of baseball. (I even referred to my visit to the hall of fame as equal to a religious experience).

  8. Love the bottom picture! So pretty! I hope you get lots of R&R. Looks like your kitty is just way too comfortable with you slipper. Looks like he needed a good rest too :)

  9. Happy Pink Saturday. Hope your enjoying your weekend. Thank you for visiting my blog and for such a sweet comment! I appreciate it :)

  10. So nice to meet you! Thanks for being my newest follower and I returned as well! I love anything pink!! Great blog..I've been looking around and so enjoy your posts! Have a great day! Will look forward to your posts!

    Miss Bloomers

  11. Uh Oh...Looks like turning my Bailey pink made him look like Kitty...Don't tell him please...or he might not let me do it again! Bailey is a little boy! The first one we've ever had...and he is a puppy...and American Eskimo dog...the miniature size so he is as big as he will get and as cute ah can be!

    Thanks everyone, for stopping by!

  12. Isn't that the best, sleeping in all cuddled up with our pets! Even if they are on the floor. I have a little pup that I cuddle with and a bigger one that has a bed on the floor by my bed. Happy Pink and have a terrific week!

  13. Morning Pinkim, Just stop by to say hello! Brought a pair of pink Aurora Bolrealis earrings, love them!
    I'm staying in the pink...TRACK

  14. OK, so i did it, I decided to enter the Honorary Bat Girl can vote for me by clicking here...Read the story I submitted about "Going To Bat Against Breast Cancer".


Thank you so much for visiting my Little Pink Blog:) It looks like I now have the ability to reply to your comments! YAY! So I hope you check to see if I have left you a reply, because I always read your comments. They really tickle me...Pink of course...