
Thursday, April 21, 2011

A Random Thought Thursday!

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment"-Ralph Waldo Emmerson 
I just love that quote, don't you? I saw this the other day and I felt that it was so true that I added it to the top of my blog. There it is right at the top under the heading...
I do believe that I remain true to who I really am. I know that I am happiest when I am at my very Pinkest. There are those that sometimes wish me to be something else. There are times when I am forced to be, for short periods of time...I am never very happy then...
I always, so far, find my way back...I am glad and proud that I do...I used to believe, when I was younger, that to conform was to be what I need to be, what I should be. Now that I am older and wiser and Pinker, I am happier, and those around me are happier with me. 
That, I believe, is Accomplishment!
Hooray for older and wiser!

PS...If you like the illustration at the top just under the here...there are more where that came from...



  1. And I for one whole heartedly agree 100% with you Kim. I am also true to myself, and if they don't like it too darn bad. You go girl.
    Love you sweet friend for who you are.

  2. I love Emerson and this is a quote that you don't truly believe till you get a little older :)

  3. Aren't you sweet! thank you so much for the cudos!!! I think both of my illustrations work perfectly on your PINK! I LOVE IT! HUGS 2 U! DEIDRE


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