
Thursday, April 14, 2011

They Like Me, They Really Like Me!!

 Well, at least Tiny Temper over at PrinceCharmingMyArse does!! She gave me an award! The...
Incredibly Sweet Blog Award
Isn't that, well, sweet? I love Tiny Temper's blog! She really tells it like it is and with lots of humor...I always find myself loling when I read her stuff...So hop on over there if you get a chance...PrinceCharmingMyArse
Now, of course, I have to share some things about myself...Five to be without further goes...
Number one:  Without spell check I would appear to be me on that one...spell check is my best friend...and even with spell check   I am sometimes handicapped... for instance, who knew that spell check was two words...sigh...

Number Two: My poor sweet Bailey is NOT a CAT...He is a sweet little puppy who, upon being turned pink became a cat somehow...I am sure Ms TT was just teasing Bailey and I, but I feel the need to set the record straight lest Bailey forbid me anymore PINKNESS...this cannot happen, dear readers! There now, doesn't he look like a puppy? Poor baby...OK, so that was cheating a little, it was really about Bailey, but sort of me...

Number Three: My absolute all time favorite TV show is NCIS!! Ah Gibbs! They do not come any better than that! Even has a Pink hue!! 

Number Four:  I love love love to read and I am a true couch potato!! Don't the two go hand in hand? I have a lovely Kindle, with a beautiful PINK cover and It is filled with all manner of books! View District ...jpg in slide show

Number Five: OK I have entered a contest! The MLB Honorary Bat Birl Contest...Let's Go To Bat for Breast Cancer!!    

Voting ended at noon on the 14th but Click here!  And I'll be Highlighted for you!

Now to pass the award on to a few that I feel are Sweet enough...


C'est moi Claudette@FRENCH, PINK, POODLES, AND PEARLS She is a sweet pink lady like me and I know if you decide to visit you will surely enjoy her place...

Next up is Mrs Vega @ Pink at Heart, I chose her because, well...she is pink at heart like me and she and I have so much in common...and besides...I love her button!! Check her out!
because she's just so much fun!
And finally we have Snooty Primadona over @ Snooty Primadona's Sparkling Outlook On Life... Or Not Because of her outlook on life...I think the title says it all!!

So that's it Folks! Please don't forget to vote! Thank you TT for this SWEET award...I can't thank you enough...


  1. How so sweet of you Kim. Thanks so so much. Now I've done this one before, but I'll do it again, I promise. I'm trying to catch up with a couple posts.
    Now I went to vote for you, got as far as reading your story, but didn't see anywhere to vote??? See I'm challenged too, lol.
    And YES thank GOD for spell check.
    P.S. I'm going to check out prince charming... sounds funny ; )
    Hi Bailey... I know your not a kitty kat. Silly mommy.

  2. Oops! I swear he was a cat on the last photo! I swear you called him a cat! OMG am I going senile?
    Bailey, mate, I'm so so so so so so so so so very sorry...

    I'm definitely losing the plot! :-)

    I love to read as well -my all time favourite hobby, and I have voted... unless I dreamt that one, too... ;-)

  3. I shall have to amend the post now because the voting ended at noon today,,,thanks to everyone for going there!

  4. Congratulations on yet another award Miss Kim- well deserved. Please give my Godpup a big squeeze from me.

  5. Congratulations on your award! It is definitely well deserved! Thank you so much for considering me sweet enough to pass it on to! I am proud to recieve my first award from a fellow "pink"y!

  6. You are such a precious lady and you so deserve your award! Thank you so much for sharing the award with me. I'm still recovering from the Vegas trip, but I'll get back to normal eventually. I think.

  7. Well shoot Snooty P, I'd ask but i know what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas!!


Thank you so much for visiting my Little Pink Blog:) It looks like I now have the ability to reply to your comments! YAY! So I hope you check to see if I have left you a reply, because I always read your comments. They really tickle me...Pink of course...