
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Calgon, take me away...

Remember that old saying? There are days when I wish it could...sigh...some people are bent on stealing your joy. Have you noticed? Maybe I could get away to that beautiful old pink house up there...There is someone in my life that seems to take the low road whenever there is a point to be made in the professional arena...except that she takes it to a personal level in the professional bothers...and I shouldn't let it...It isn't her just might be that she chooses a certain moment to forcefully tell me something that will effectively take the wind out of my sails, something that is guaranteed to make me feel bad about things. This person is in a position of authority and so it does matter...sigh..nothing horrible really...just not nice...just bad enough...sigh...just bad enough for me to write about it and to make me want to say this...

There...I feel better already...

PS...thanks for "listening"

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Thank you so much for visiting my Little Pink Blog:) It looks like I now have the ability to reply to your comments! YAY! So I hope you check to see if I have left you a reply, because I always read your comments. They really tickle me...Pink of course...