
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

It's Wednesday! and ...My Mind is Wandering...

Have you ever considered that perhaps it is the car that one drives that dictates the personality of the driver of said car? Or, let me put it this way...perhaps it is the car that is being driven that drives the driver to drive in the manner that he or she does...

This profound thought occurred to me today as I drove home from running an errand that I should not have had to run, mind you, but that might be a post for another day...we will see how much typing I feel like doing...I had to go to the pharmacy for a prescription that I was out of, one that I tried to pick up that they did not have for me yesterday...because they had to order the medication...did I mention that the pharmacy that I use is located at my place of employment? Did I mention that I was off today...and so had to drive in on my day off?...Nuff said about that...

OK, so back to my profound thought about driving...apparently I felt like typing...anyway...I am a rather defensive and patient driver...I am not usually known for weaving in and out or passing very much...I am usually content to ride along in my lovely vehicle, which I enjoy driving very much, listening to my wonderful stereo system to which I have hooked up my blackberry...that way I have my own music playing...usually jazz...and I can also answer the phone if need be...peachy...unfortunately all of that changed very recently...said lovely vehicle became, in the blink of an eye, not so lovely! The climate control stopped working! Yes, that's right, I said climate control. No regular old heat or AC for my vehicle, oh no...nuh uh...I have the fancy smancy climate control. Set it to a specific temperature and the system maintains that temp all by itself. Beautiful! Just Beautiful! It was simply a simple pleasure to be in that car and so I was a great driver...

Well a couple of weeks ago that all changed...I am simply not going to pay $2000.00 for a simple pleasure...OK I would but I can't afford to. Not if we want to eat also...So I no longer have climate control...who knew that something such as that could have me feeling so differently about my Tilde...her name...Today, while running my errand,  the temperature read out was telling me it was 103 on the Beltway...Oh yes...that still works...I ended up behind a rather slow driver...they were not even going the speed limit...there was plenty of open road ahead of I hit the blinker and whipped into the other lane, passed, hit the blinker again and whipped back in...this happened several times as I headed down the road...It occurred to me that this was not usual behavior for me. It also occurred to me that there was absolutely no way in hell that I was going to mosey along in that car with the windows open and all of that wind and road noise and the 103 degree heat and not being able to hear any of my music...Oh, Hell No!! I hit the blinker and hit the gas... several times... It also occurred to me that had I had my climate control in working order, I would have sat back and waited behind that car and enjoyed the music and gotten home when I got there...It dawned on me then that because of the broken climate control and the God awful heat and the less than efficient pharmacy...all things beyond my control...I was being forced to become, out of necessity, a type of driver I never thought I was...
I truthfully really miss the simple pleasure of enjoying my lovely vehicle with the cool air and awesome smooth jazz coming out of the speakers...Now I have to wait for cooler weather for that...and I don't like cooler weather...
Oh, and those phone calls? Don't even go there...sigh...I sometimes have to take a conference call while on the way to a meeting...bluetooth of course...well now that will happen only if I want to sweat!

Now I have to wonder how many of those drivers I have shaken my head at over the years used to mild mannered drivers like me... but were forced to be the way they are now by circumstances beyond their for thought...


  1. Been there done that. Almost killed a few people when I had to live a summer down here without AC. I was a real shrew.

    I'll try to send you some cool thoughts kiddo.

  2. Have you considered selling Mary Kay so you can drive one of their pink cadillacs? :)

  3. Stacy, I am sure that it will not surprise you that this is not the first time that this has been suggested to wish I had the time!


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