
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

It's Wednesday! and ...My Mind is Wandering...

Yep...That is a picture of the temperature reading in my car as I drove home today...with the windows open...
because my Climate Control finally gave out...
for good...because...
$2000.000 is 
way too much to pay...

So...I am picturing myself there...

Watching this guy...

And drinking some of this...
There, I feel better...


  1. WHAT?????? 104? Holy Cow Kim, that's bloody HOT.
    It's hot here, but maybe 80, just perfect. Humidity is high, but I'm staying in and doing some stuff around the inside instead of the outside today.
    We had a huge hail storm yesterday OMG.
    Just wanted to come and say hello. I posted, but I'm still going to take a break.
    Love You
    Love Me

  2. Just so you all's temp for the ride home was a whoppin' 107!! Yikes!

  3. Nice new header!

    Stink on the a/c in your car Kim! We went a season or two without it and then had to fix it.

    Our NY children ask for the a/c when it's 70 out and sunny because the car is "hot".

    Yeah...they have no clue.


  4. You make sure you stay really hydrated kiddo. That heat is nothing to mess around with. Please give Mr. Bailey a big hug from me.:)


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