
Monday, June 27, 2011

Summer Reading...What a Pleasure...

I don't know about you but I love to read...I have several reading challenges going and I tend to get the next book out, from my favorite authors as they come...much to my DH's chagrin...I do most of my reading these days on my trusty Kindle...Love this thing! As I finish a book, it even gives me the option to send a notice to that effect to Twitter and Facebook! Which, of course, I do!

Just recently, I have been reading a couple of collections of short stories written by some of my favorite authors that have gotten together to promote newer authors within the realm of their genre...Thrillers...Steve Berry, James Rollins, and Gayle Lynds, just to name a few...sprinkled throughout are lesser known and newer authors...A great read! The first one is called Thrillers...There are three!
I also love a great beach book...and yes, I do take my trusty kindle to the beach...there are special covers for that! 

You see, it is all enclosed in a splash and sand proof cover that I can read through and work the buttons too! Handy...

Here is my everyday cover...

So, what are you reading this summer?? And what do you read it on?


  1. I like the feel of books; the smell of books; the sound as I turn the pages. I just love books!

  2. I was really annoyed at my husband Alex for giving me a Kindle for Valentines Day last year. Number One - It's not romantic. Number Two - I told him I did not want one. Boy have I changed my tune. I read a lot, and this lets me do it in such a convenient way. No more piles of books laying around. I get the sample and if I like it, I get it. No guess work. And instant gratification too! I have the full basement under my house with floor to ceiling shelves for books. I'm not going to toss them, but the Kindle has changed my life for the better!!! Love it!

  3. Linda, I feel the same way...I used to have books I still have to buy the occasional one, but this is so much more convenient...and so much easier for are so right about that instant gratification had a kindle 2 and then my husband bought me a kindle 3 for Mother's day and I gave him the 2.

  4. I'd love a Kindle; but sadly I still read books the old fashioned way.

  5. I had no idea that there was a special water & sand tight cover for the Kindle. I shall have to go get one of those. I have been so afraid of taking it out doors. Thanks for the heads-up.

  6. Well I seen your post on the Diva cafe and had to come by simply because the name if nothing else haha I love PINK! =) And I love your blog! =)

    I sometimes think I want a kindle but then I don't know. For now it is just books mainly borrowed from the library =)

    New GFC followerer =)

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