
Saturday, July 9, 2011

It's Another Pink Saturday!!

Hi There! It is Saturday, and it is PINK...OK, it's always pink around here... and I am kind of winging this one...but as I was going through my emails this morning I ran across somewhat of a wonderful surprise that could turn into an even better thing...someone out there in blogland is giving away these earrings...that's right...note the lovely pink is the link...don't you dare go there! These are to be MINE! All MINE! Anyway...I sure hope so...clears throat...crosses fingers...babesandbling (the link) so there it is, if you go there, please enter my name a few more times...just kidding...sigh...
Now to the rest of my Pink post...I'll keep you "posted" on the above...
It is a lovely day out there and as soon as the Hubby exchanges our new umbrella for the shorter one...we will get it, and the netting set up and I will be a happy camper again...
I shall laugh at those pesky mosquitoes from within! Bwahaaaaa...

Catchy little saying, don't you think? My new motto...
Some of you may have noticed that I have added a new page up top...(you may also have noticed that there was no segue here...) Oh well...It's my blog and I couldn't think of one...Anyway...I added a "Favorite Quotes" page...check it out if you have time...and if you have any favorite quotes and want to pass them on to me I am open to suggestions...I am also thinking of adding a "Books I Have Read" page...What do you think?
I took a break right in the middle of posting this and made a couple of new buttons and things that I will use at the end here...hence the lack of segue there...just trying to change it up a little, let me know what you think!

And See You Later...

Make sure you kink up with Beverly and the other Pink girls at howsweetthesound

I have an UPDATE.....

See the spiffy new umbrella and see how the netting hangs down? There is a nifty zipper near my chair!! Now I am all set to enjoy the cool summer evening breeze with a drink and my kindle...
Sans those damn mosquitoes:)))


  1. Happy Pink Saturday!!! The earrings are beautiful--I hope you win!!

  2. Hi Pinkim! That for stoping by my blog from the blog hop. I love your blog too! I feel like at home here. I see you have couple of badges from some of our mutual friends. Love the castiron fireplace it ads an even lovelier feeling. I hope you win the pink studs! Good luck!

  3. I've never seen such netting for an umbrella before... I seriously need this as I get so many mosquito bites...THEY LOVE ME! They do not bite my husband too much.

    Thanks so much for visiting me today! Happy Pink Saturday!

  4. One more hello to say thanks for following me back and stopping to say hello!

    Have a peaceful, lovely Sunday!


  5. Your umbrella netting makes me think of Africa. Make sure to keep my Goddog mosquito free too. I don't want him to be uncomfortable from those pesky critters.

  6. I LOVE Pink! I have not heard of Pink Saturday, will have to check it out!
    I have a Kindle an LOVE it!

    You asked a question on my blog (if you add an email address to your blogger profile I could respond via email), how to have Chrome backup your bookmarks: Click the little wrench in the top right corner, go to Options, Personal Stuff, then the Sync option is right at the top. The Sync is linked to your Google account (same log-in as for Blogger)!

  7. The earrings are beautiful as is your page! I absolutely love being able to sit outside at night and it would be great to be able to take my work outside without worrying I would attract every single insect in the city with the light of my laptop. :)

  8. Ooooh, pretty earrings! Good luck on winning them. Great job on the sparkly buttons. :D


Thank you so much for visiting my Little Pink Blog:) It looks like I now have the ability to reply to your comments! YAY! So I hope you check to see if I have left you a reply, because I always read your comments. They really tickle me...Pink of course...