
Saturday, July 16, 2011

It's Saturday Again...And You know What That Means!!

          That's right! It's time for another Pink Saturday Post! Now, some might think someone might run out of pink things to post...but some would be wrong! Very

Actually, it was another one of those Saturday's where I had to work, and so this one is going up late...but it was not too bad...You see we are salary and so we can leave when the work is done, at least on the weekend...and today, that happened fairly early...and it was a lovely day again in this neck of the woods...In fact, on the way out of the building, I thought, why not use these lovely surroundings for my Pink Saturday post? And so...I pulled out my trusty blackberry and went to work...the results are below...

This is the view as I walk down the path to the parking garage...My favorite Crepe Myrtle...PINK...

A close-up of said Myrtle...

Looking down on the pond from the path above...

This is a shot of the pond area that the walkway looks down on ...very nice area for patients and staff alike to enjoy...this area is actually outside the second floor entrance to the Cancer Center. Which, in addition to the Fertility Center that employs yours truly, is also located in the same building.
All in all a very lovely atmosphere, wouldn't you say...Now, since I have to be there at the "butt-crack of dawn" I usually head on home and settle in for a day of napping, and baseball. Not necessarily in that order and usually in honor of that...


Linking up with Beverly & the rest of the Pink ladies @ howsweetthesound


  1. The pond area looks so serene! A perfect place to sit and read me thinks!

  2. The garden looks so lush and gorgeous. I'm jealous. Everything here is sooo brown.

  3. Thanks for coming by and commenting on my mural. enjoyed your blog. Happy Pink Sat and have a blessed week. Debbie

  4. Oh how beautiful!! I love that crepe myrtle!!

  5. Pretty pinks! Thanks for sharing and for visiting me!

    HaPpY pInK sAtUrDaY!

  6. Extraordinarily beautiful garden! Wow! I want to sit there and sip sweet tea! (Or gin and tonics!)

  7. You have a beautiful place to work and I am glad you stopped and took pictures for us for Pink Saturday. I don't understand those that say they don't have any pinks for Pink Saturday. I confess I don't have much pink in my home but everywhere I go I see lots of fun pinks to photograph. Sorry I am so late in wishing you have a Happy Pink Saturday so I will wish you a Happy Wednesday too. xo

  8. What a beautiful place to work! The pond area looks so peaceful.

  9. amazing. thanks for another wonderful post.New outfit post. Lunch in Beverly Hills. Would love if you'd check it out. Thanks love. xoxo

    If you're not already, don't forget to follow on twitter for all the latest celebrity fashion news from an LA stylist.!/fashboulevard


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