
Sunday, July 3, 2011

It's a Summer Blog Hop!

What fun! So much fun, that I thought I'd do a little post around it...after all, Summer is special, and this is a holiday weekend after all... it is...

aquariann's Summer Blog Hop
Looks great huh?
We are all set for the summer around here...I am sure, as many of you know, it is a work in progress...We have a covered porch out back that runs the length of the house...we have a round table that has a cute tablecloth on it but no umbrella in the hole...and we have Mosquitoes!!!
Well, I saw...and we ordered the neatest thing the other day! A screening thing that fits over the table umbrella and comes down to the ground so that Voila! You are surrounded by netting and no pesky mosquitoes!! OK, I know I said there is no umbrella...well we have that covered too. DH just picked one up today(it's not pink, but it is nice) and tomorrow after we get it set up I will provide pictures...I know, I'm a tease right? Sorry...
I am very excited about this! I am very sensitive to those damn mosquito bites.
Here is a picture of it in the catalog!

Isn't that the coolest thing?
I promise that I'll put up a picture of our own set up once the screen gets here and we put it up!!
I can't wait to enjoy the evenings out there with my Kindle and computer and I will laugh at the Mosquitoes...:))
Oh and the umbrella? We will just yank that baby out and take it to the beach with us when we go back...I am still campaigning for that...


  1. Hi there new follower. I am now following you too. I love your blog. The images are so cute and I love pink too. Nice table and chairs. Can't wait to see when you post the pictures of yours. I do not have your e-mail so I have to answer your question about the flexi clip in here. Go to my website and watch the demonstration videos so you get a better understanding of how the clips work AND so you can determine which size is best for you. There is an explanation for fine hair with a little girl by the name of Ella and they style her hair a couple of ways. Depending on how you want to wear your hair will determine which size you would use. The same person can use more than one size. I use 3 myself. I find people with fine hair tend to use the mini's and/or the extra small, again depending on how they want to wear their hair. E-mail me if you have any more questions denisehmartin(at)gmail. Don't forget the .com at the end : )

  2. Ooooppps, I thought you were a new follower as I said in my previous comment but I do not see that you are. Please follow my blog so I can keep you posted on new designs. Here's my URL I can also be found in facebook and twitter @DeniseLillaRose If you like/follow me there I will do the same for you.

  3. Don't worry, I already did:)

  4. Thank you so fairy much for joining and blogging about my hop! Lovely blog you have. My mother is a breast cancer survivor, too. I drew an awareness fairy for her you might like.

  5. Hi sweet Kim
    THAT IS SO SO COOL. I hate those damn mosquitos too : (
    I just came back from a midnight swim.... and no bugs tonight : )
    Stay sweet

  6. If I had thought of that screen, I would be wealthy. I need one.

  7. Great Blog, came here from the Summer Blog Hop. Nifty idea the Mosquito net, I've never been so badly bitten as I have this summer so far!

  8. Girlfriend, get thyself some Don't Bite Me patches! ( My life has completely changed, not having to endure the dozens of bites I get every year. It only has vitamin B and aloe vera. It tricks the little critters into thinking you're not there. Actually, it disguises the aromas from our bodies they love so much. I usually just slap one on my derriere & forget about them. I love them!

  9. That looks great! Let us know how it works long term. I'm a new follower from the Hop. Love your blog! Love Pink!
    Hope you'll hop by and visit my blog too!
    Have a great week!


Thank you so much for visiting my Little Pink Blog:) It looks like I now have the ability to reply to your comments! YAY! So I hope you check to see if I have left you a reply, because I always read your comments. They really tickle me...Pink of course...