
Friday, September 23, 2011

It's Pink Saturday!

And I am working...again...but that's OK...Some of you may remember the Thanksgiving Vacation that we were going to be taking...well we aren't...Oh, we still have off, we just are not going away...sigh... so no beach or turtles or alligators in November for me...Oh well...enough whining...How about a little pink?

Not much pink here, but isn't this a great shot? My daughter took this of herself and Bailey with her Iphone...I just love it...and them...I think that they love each other too...don't you?

I think he wants someone to get up don't you?
and when that didn't work...
Bat, Bat...
He bats him a couple of times...
And if that doesn't work than he will nip him on the nose...
I haven't gotten a picture of that yet..he does it a sign of affection...cute...

That's Love!!

PS...This Pink Saturday just happens to be our 23 Anniversary!

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  1. Dear Kim
    Let me be the first to wish bother of you a very very happy 23rd Anniversary. Randy and I also celebrated our 23rd in May. COOL.
    LOVE that little Bailey boy. Now tell hubby to GET UP : )
    Happy PS Kim

  2. Bailey can come here and play anytime. Adorable!
    Happy Anniversary :)

  3. Happy Anniversary! And what an adorable, adorable doggie. :)

  4. Happy pinkness...Happy Autumn....I am so excited for Fall, I know you are too !!It just makes me want to cozy up...enjoy your week-end!
    God Bless You

  5. Happy Anniversary! Your daughter is so beautiful!


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