
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

It's Wednesday! and ...My Mind is Wandering...

Hi there...Well, I haven't done this in a while...well, I mean my mind has wandered...just not on a Wednesday...Well, probably it has wandered on a Wednesday, just not here in this format...sigh...already I am off track...What track? you ask?
Hmmm, Good question...
Well, I know that I was thinking about the time earlier in the week when my daughter told me that they were talking at work and she told them that if she ever got a tattoo that she would get a meaningful one...Note: I am not particularly worried here...she had to give up pierced ears in middle school because I flat out refused to change the earrings for her anymore and she was afraid to push them through the little holes herself...So anyway where was I? Oh yes...She said that she would get the tattoo somewhere where no one could see it maybe on her hip bone a pink ribbon on one and an xoxo on the other...for me....I was so touched...even knowing that she will never be able to bring herself to do this...I am touched at the thought...

There is something else that I am very touched by this week...Our 35th high School reunion is coming up...Out of the blue I got an email from one of the members of the planning committee explaining to me that anyone who knows me knows how hard I work to raise money for Susan G Komen for the Cure and so they have an anonymous donor that has offered to donate $5.00 for every person and guest that will attend the reunion up to $250.00! They would like me to spearhead the effort by being the cheerleader of sorts...Of course I am happy to! He called me today to work out the detail...That was a fun call. A blast from the past...
But really! What a fantastic idea! A class reunion that is raising money for a wonderful cause also, and not just any cause, one that has effected members of our own class. Breast cancer isn't the only one either. I am told the there is a similar offer on the table for another that does similar work for an AIDS organization...So we will be raising money for two worthy organizations that weekend just by attending our reunion and having fun! 
What an idea!
I always knew the class of 1976 was a special one.
We Rock!

A very big Thank You to our Anonymous Donor!
My mind is also wandering around about another subject...Clive Cussler has a new book out...I started it last night...I am about to get back to it...Here is a picture of it...

I love the Isaac Bell books he is a true gentleman...sigh...

So....I am off to read...


  1. That is a GREAT idea Kim. WHat better person than you to head it up.
    I also graduated then, but not at your school ; (
    Or I would be there in a flash, you know that right?
    And it's only Wed. Go figure

  2. Brace yourslef before you open the door to your reunion. My 40th was a year ago. I opened the door and saw a sea of Q-tips whihc I was unprepared for.

    Thanks for the heads about the new book. Clive cussler is my favorite author.

  3. Have fun at your reunion :)
    You do Rock. xx


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