
Saturday, November 5, 2011

Follow Friday...OK, a little late...

But I had a long day on Friday and then a Bridal please bear with me...Is that the right bare/bear? Someone please clue me in...

Q: Today’s Question is something new, an activity. We want to see what you look like! Take a pic with you and your current read! Too shy? Boo! Just post a fun pic you want to share.

OK, so it isn't a Picture of me with the book but, I read on my Kindle so...but here is a picture of the cover of the book that I just now finished...I loved this book, the third in the series set in Charleston  SC (my all time fav. city)...But seriously Karen...Let's get it done...You know what I mean lady!

So, on the link under the Picture at the top to join in...


  1. Thanks for dropping by my blog! :) I am a new follower!

  2. I love all of the pink. It's gorgeous :) Great Follow Friday feature!

  3. Awwww c'mon that's cheating lol

    (and yes, it's "bear") :P

    Thanks for stopping by!

    The Romanceaholic

  4. Is that a spooky book? The cover looks very suspenseful.

  5. Haha. Well. That book sounds very creepy!!

    Xpresso Reads


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