
Monday, November 28, 2011

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

This is a book meme hosted by bookjourney ... We simply mention what we read last week, maybe talk about it a little, and then show what we are reading this week...
Last week I read...

By Kent Harrington...This was a real departure for me...I read it because I am to do a review on it...I liked it...It is fast paced and it is definitely a thriller. The seamier side of Mexico is revealed in all of it'a glory...during what is basically a 24 hour period ( Dia De La Muertos to be exact). It is a very dangerous day for a few people! I found myself pulling for the main character which surprised me...

This week I am reading...

By Libby Fischer Hellman, this also is a thriller...I am also to do a review on this one...I am just starting and it already has a grip on me and did so from not too far into the first chapter...I can't say much more because I am not very far into it, but let me just say that after only reading a few chapters, I find myself wanting to go back and double check some facts before I go any farther so that I have things right...she has me already!
Stay tuned...


  1. New follower, Please join me! You have a "Beautiful, Beautiful Blog!

  2. I haven't been around much. How was the new Clive Cussler book?


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