
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wednesday Wanderings...

It's Wednesday and my mind is wandering...I should really be heading to bed, and I will but first a few thoughts...
I have had a Sonogram, a CT scan and a Cystoscopy since I last rambled and it looks like I will live for now...whew!

However, we still have to worry about my dear friend Pattie. Pattie has a Breast MRI scheduled for tomorrow and so we must Pray for her...

The weather has turned suddenly very chilly and so we have brought my Christmas Cactus inside...we have taken to throwing the thing outside for the summer and pretty much ignoring it...It seems to thrive on that...It has flower buds on virtually EVERY leaf! I have watched them grow before my eyes...I kid you not, each evening as I sit here, I can see that the blooms are bigger than the evening are some pictures...

See what I mean? I think it is actually going to be a Thanksgiving Cactus...
Well, I am off to read a good book before falling asleep...Review to follow!

1 comment:

  1. Hope everything is ok. Praying for your friend.
    We also put our cactus in the flower beds during the summer - still in pots. We just brought them into the utility room to keep them from frost bite. They should be budding out around Christmas. I just love them!


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