
Saturday, January 7, 2012

It's a football Kind of Weekend!

OK, I am really a fan of college football! Is there anything more fun than a stadium full of enthusiastic college kids? I just love all of the genuine energy and fun!

Of course this weekend is all about the Bowl games...
And of course the NFL play offs...
What fun!
Of course, there is PINK to be found here too if you only look hard enough:) 
and it is a Pink Saturday!!

Here we have a pink jersey...A Ray Lewis jersey to to be exact!

Go Ravens!!

 A lovely little Pink Helmet!

And look what I found! For the fashion conscience football fan...

Linking up with 
and all of the other Pink Ladies


  1. Love football and LOVE the pink football purse!! Awesome! You have a new follower (me!). :)

  2. Hi Intricate Knot! I'm glad you like it here! Thanks for following. Did you see the awesome game between the Broncos and the Steelers? I just love Tim Tebow! I am a Ravens fan but I do love that Tebow. Kim

  3. So much fun! I'm a Giants fan but I need to get a jersey.... may need to look at the pink ones ;) Gotta look cute for when you watch the game!

  4. Love me some college football. Not so enamored of the pros, but we live in Cleveland so what do you expect? :)


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