
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Kreativ Blogger Award

Hey, guess what!?! I received an award! I actually received it back on February 25th, but I have been away, so I am just now picking it up...
I love the awards...I admit it! and this is my first one with PINK in it...
Marti over at gave it to me... Thanks Marti...she is a favorite of mine...check her out!
So, of course there are rules...
1. Thank and link back to the giver.
2. Answer the questions below.
3. Share 10 random facts/thoughts about yourself
4. Nominate at least 7 other blogs for the Kreative Blogger Award

So... Marvelous Marti has been thanked...
Now for the questions...

Favorite song: Hmmm, there are so many...but I love Europa. It is an instrumental
Favorite dessert: I don't really do dessert...
What ticks me off: People that are unkind to others
When I'm upset I: withdraw.
Favorite pet: Bailey...our little American Eskimo...there are pictures of him here...
Black or White: White...I don't do blac...Are you kidding? with a white dog?
Biggest fear: Not sure, but the dying days might be one...
Everyday attitude: Hopeful and encouraging
What is perfection? Imperfect...
My guilty pleasures: Napping, facebook, reading, jewelry

10 facts

2.Breast cancer survivor
3. breast cancer advocate
4. AIS steering committee member
5. Survivor Committee Chair
6. Embryologist
7. Recently lost a lot of weight
8. Prone to dehydration
9. Love to read
10.Love to review.

So...on to the no particular order...

And there you have it...My Kreative Bloggers List...


  1. Thank you for awarding Reading is Fashionable!

  2. Hi Pinkim, Hope the weight ost is what you wanted. Thought I stop over seeing you on M site. The days are getting longer, I'm happy! :-))...TRACK

    1. Hey TRACK! thank you for stopping by...good to hear from you...Partly the weight loss was due to being sick but not unwelcome, that's for sure!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hiya Miss Kim. Many thanks for the award. I do appreciate it. These days I don't know that I'm being all that creative; but it's nice to be included nonetheless.:)

  5. Happy PS Kim
    Thanks for the award... but I think everyone knows more than 10 things about me on my blog.
    I appreciate your warmth and love.
    Happy weekend.

  6. Thanks, Kim! I really appreciate you thinking of me. I'm glad to here about the weight loss since I need some encouragement. My weight is out of control!

  7. Thank you so much for the award. Sorry I'm just picking it up. I've gone back to work full time and my plate is full.


Thank you so much for visiting my Little Pink Blog:) It looks like I now have the ability to reply to your comments! YAY! So I hope you check to see if I have left you a reply, because I always read your comments. They really tickle me...Pink of course...