
Saturday, March 24, 2012

New Toy!!

Well, as the title suggests, I have a new toy...It is loads of fun! I have a tablet! Yes, a Tablet! I love it! 
And there it is...alas, it isn't didn't come in pink....
But have no fear, I will pink it up...I always do...this little beauty, can do a lot...there is a place for a USB port, a micro USB port, a micro SD card slot (up to 32g)...and much more! unlike some other tablets, which shall remain nameless!
Anyway, I am loving it...and the price wasn't bad either...
I didn't really need it, but I love to have the next great thing...I blame Santa Clause for that...My Santa always brought me the latest and greatest piece of electronics every year...I had the portable record player, the transistor radio, and even a cassette recorder! A stereo too! Even an 8 track! So you see, Santas fault!
I already had a sleeve to carry it in...
Pretty cute huh?
My daughter gave it to me for Christmas...she thought I could put my Kindle in it...I could...but...
So...Happy Pink Saturday

Linking up
PINK Saturday
Poofy Cheeks

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