
Friday, March 9, 2012

Pink Saturday!

It's so true, don't you think? I just love a good book...I am never lonely or even alone, with a good book...or even a bad I travel I always have one with me, and now with my Kindle it is easier than ever to have my favorites with me! For, as many of you know, I am one of those people that considers my favorites books and characters among my best friends...They bring comfort and joy...
I eagerly await the next installment from my favorite authors and I am "friends" with many of them on Facebook! I just love that...It's fun.
Hah! Wish they came in PINK... fun for now...I think I will just go curl up guessed it...A BOOK!! 
Oh, BTW, my little Kindle may not be Pink, but it's cover IS!

Happy Pink Saturday!

Please visit Beverly and the rest of the Pink ones over at 


  1. Love books -- period! Pink (or otherwise!)

    Happy weekend!
    Jeanie from The Marmelade Gypsy

  2. I second that thought, I love books!!

  3. Third it! & pink would be better.
    Have a lovely PS weekend ~
    TTFN ~

    ~ GIVEAWAY ends 3/15 ~

    1. HAhA,I read this comment on my email and couldn't figure the "third it" out until I came here...
      thanks for stopping by.

  4. I enjoy reading as well. I get most of mine from the library. They get the latest issues. I tend to put myself right with the characters in the book. Kinda get lost.

    1. So do I LV...It is a fun thing to do...and then I hate to leave them behind...

  5. I love the sentiment and agree that I coonsider books friends :)


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