
Thursday, September 20, 2012


That's what I have been and I am so sorry...

I really can only tell you that my time has not been my own and won't be for a while!

I really shouldn't be here now, but it was the only thing I could think of to do to get out of what I should really be doing!
Just kidding...
It is just that there are so many things that I need to do!
Last week and through the weekend I was in San Francisco at the ASCO Breast Cancer Symposium. I was there as part of a class on a scholarship from RAN...which means I have a paper to write now that I am back that is due next week. 
I work next weekend...I had a long conference call this evening that covered the upcoming peer review training for the advocate reviewers for Komen. We are about to start that and I am to organize the mentors...
Oh, I am a mentor to a new reviewer for the CDMRP (DoD) grant review program. I have 8 grants in my possession that I need to write up my reviews for...and 4 more that I am a reader on!

Our local RFTC is a month away and as you all know I am the survivor chair for that! 
OK I am not even done here, but I need to stop already, because I am causing a panic!!!


The Nationals just clinched a playoff spot!!!
Just now!!

And man, the Orioles are amazing this year!!! We are a half a game out of first!!! Go Os!!!

The Ravens are just getting started...

Well, I have officially gotten nothing that I needed to get done, done today...I am so proud:)

Have I mentioned that I do my best work under pressure!?!

I have read several great books lately....fodder for another post!


  1. Relax and stay pink :)

  2. I think of you often but forget to come by here. I am bad, very bad. Give the cutie a snuggle for me.:)


Thank you so much for visiting my Little Pink Blog:) It looks like I now have the ability to reply to your comments! YAY! So I hope you check to see if I have left you a reply, because I always read your comments. They really tickle me...Pink of course...