
Monday, August 25, 2014

A Must Read...A new Genre for Me...

Acadia's Law (Book One, Undying Love Series)Acadia's Law by Tracy Ellen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book was a real departure for me. In fact I did not realize the actual content of the book until well into it. It is not my usual genre. Having said that, this book not only held my interest, I loved it. A very different take on an old subject! Let me just say that I received this as an ARC from the author in return for an honest review. So I HAD to read forced myself to continue when I realized what it was really about and I have to say that I not only finished it I loved it and cannot wait for the next one. Please pick this one up! You will not regret it!

View all my reviews


  1. What is the genre? Obviously not romance!

  2. Actually it is hard to pin this one down...It is pegged as a stand alone...the first in the Undying love series...but..."The Virus and their prep for it throughout the rest of the book so totally through me...

    Thanks for stopping by!


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