
Sunday, January 3, 2016


Happy New Year! At least I sure hope so...because as some of you may know 2015 has not been my friend:(  I try not to make this a sad pink place but jeeze...the year started out with some of us losing a very special woman. Sue was a genuinely good person who brought goodness and light where ever she went and she will be forever missed...we begin 2016 remembering that at this time last year we lost her... Things could only get better from there right!?! well, one would think so...She and I would have celebrated an anniversary together. It was on New Years Eve in 1994 that I found my lump and went through all that followed. And so it had been 20 years in January 2015 since my diagnosis of breast cancer...20 years! And while I would not have wished for such a thing, many things have happened to me as a result of that fateful day that cannot be denied, both good and bad. I am not the person that I would have been...A story for another day...

Fast forward to May of 2015 and it is time for my yearly mammogram. You guessed it...I am now a two time breast cancer survivor, as I was diagnosed for the second time following a stereotactic biopsy. 
July 1, 2015 I had bilateral mastectomies. After being out of work an unprojected 11 weeks, I headed back to work. Not completely healed. But with the Dr. OK.
I had not particularly favored reconstruction but went ahead with that. It is not going well. One expander was destroyed before heading back to work and it is now becoming clear that the other is not retaining fluid as it should be and therefore not expanding.

Just last week my plastic surgeon had the nerve to ask me if I had ever considered gastric bypass surgery as, if I were smaller, she would not have to make my breasts as big...let that sink in for a minute...

Just typing that sends my BP up...Let me get this straight...You, who have no idea if I am even a candidate and have no idea what my eating habits order to make your job a little easier...think I might want to get gastric bypass surgery...Gee, let me think about that for just a tiny little minute...Um...NO!!!

First of all, I will not go into detail here, but I and my primary care know what I put in my mouth each day and there is not enough food to bypass my stomach unless you need me to starve. When I walked every single day I lost nothing at all...

So, I have breast cancer and the treatment for same to thank for this...don't get me wrong, I am thankful for the treatment and happy to be here:) Just not so much for the metabolism I am left with and people like her...She will just have to work harder...I also have some news for the little Dr. I, even as a perfect size 2, had a C you have your work cut out for you no matter what!  

Sorry, did I mention the whole thing brings the rage out in me..."just breathe"

OK, so anyway, just recently I have found out that in the next two weeks I have to make a decision about what to do about all of this...I will be seeing My PCP tomorrow in order to have presurgical testing for the bilateral cystoscopy with laser lithotripsy on the 11th. Both of my kidneys have many large kidney stones Oh joy...

SO it looks like 2016 will have to finish up some things from 2015 before we can begin anew. But I think my word for this new year is going to have to be Adapt...More on that later...Also my new mantra will be...What would Sue Do?...WWSD?  

Now of course there were some good things in there...I reread the entire JD Robb In Death series while I was recovering:) Loved that!

My Daughter has been a Godsend and my Husband and My Parents have rallied around me to show me much love and support...

I have had the last two and a half weeks of the year off for the first time ever and that has been nice...although I did work Christmas and the weekend...I cannot complain though, as it was the first time in over 26 years that I had had to do so...

I go back to work tomorrow and have to let them know about the little wish me a little luck...

Oh and hopefully you will see me here at TrulySimplyPink a little more often in 2016:)

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