
Saturday, November 13, 2010

Hey Look! Somebody thinks I'm Stylish!! Whaddya Know?

Hey, I must say nothing like a leisurely cup of coffee on a Saturday morning...That's exactly what I was sitting here thinking as I was sipping on said cup, contemplating my next move...Hmmm, I thought, should I, A: grab the kindle and continue with the coffee house mystery that I am currently in the middle of, B: fire up the pink computer and start in on my routine there, or C: work on one of the many BC advocacy jobs hanging over my head...Well, as those of you that have been with me for a little bit  know, I also hold down a full time job as an embryologist for 40 hours of the week, so you might be able to guess...I did not pick C! At least not yet!

Yep, since you can tell that I am typing, you might safely guess that B won out, at least for the moment...So the little pink wonder is up and running And guess what!?! My day has already been made!! How? you ask? Well, because My blog here, has been given a little award! Yes, it's true! Truly Simply Pink has been given the Stylish blogger Award! How about that...Not sure what it means, but I sure am ,well, Tickled Pink!
Now, apparently, there are a few rules to follow here and they are as follows:

1. Thank and link back to the person who gave it to you.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pay it forward to 15 other recently discovered great bloggers.
4. Contact those bloggers and tell them about their award. 

So first of all I have to thank with glee, Michele over at Bodacious Boomer she's the one that gave me the award...I don't really know how stylish I am but I do she made my day!

Hmmm 7 things huh...well.
1. I am a breast cancer survivor and this is my month for my mammogram and this year because of a scare last year, I must also have an ultrasound...big breath here...
2. My birthday is also in November!
3. I love PINK!! Pink makes me happy. I have always loved pink, it has nothing to do with the BC connection...that was just a lucky thing...
4. I have a large collection of watches...a lot of them are
5. I am an avid reader!
6. I have a beautiful voice, which at this point in my life is going to waste.
7. Were it not for BC I would have 2 children...

And finally, here are 15 blogs that, in my opinion, you should give a shot...
Fried pink tomato
The Kindle Nation Daily
My Big Girl Pants
Pink Martinis and Pearls
Wandering through the Words
The Life of a Suburban Princess
Tickled Pink and Green
Pretty Pink Tulips
The Empty Nest
The Snooty Primadona
The Fred Effect
Reasons Why I walk...
To Hell and (Hopefully) Back
Kickstand Up
Debi Drecksler
Whew! That took a while...I had to be careful you know...and just 2 of our choices overlap!
So boy was that fun and I am so tickled! My sister is a long time blogger and I am just beginning...I can't wait to tell her...Oh, and did I mention she just turned 40? About time she did that!

Sibling rivalry? Nah, she is much too young and I am much too

Stay Pink! & Stylish too!

1 comment:

Thank you so much for visiting my Little Pink Blog:) It looks like I now have the ability to reply to your comments! YAY! So I hope you check to see if I have left you a reply, because I always read your comments. They really tickle me...Pink of course...