
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I Got A Card in the Mail Today!!

Hey Everybody,

Guess what?!? I got a card in the mail today! There was no return address and it is November, so I thought maybe it would be an early birthday card...But was not...I am putting a picture of it you can see for yourself what it was...Here is a picture of the front...pretty cool huh...At this point I have to tell you I was a little confused. So I opened the card. Here is a picture of the inside. It is signed by my husband! Can you see what it says?

Pretty special isn't it? Sometimes he surprises me! I hope you can read what he wrote! But just in case you can' says " What can I say? Hopefully all the hard "extra curricular" activity will pay off."  Stay Pink!


  1. Interesting..... I didn't send it though.

  2. He's a keeper. Tessa has always encouraged my novel writing and this blogging stuff. That simple encouragement means more than any payoff writing could ever produce.


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