
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Welcome to a Wandering Wednesday...

Well here I sit and all of a sudden I think YIKES! It's Wednesday! I need to wander...Wander through my mind, that is...yep, that's right, it is time for a Wednesday wander through that complicated and crazy place I like to think of as my mind...One thing that I need to mention is that my DH is on a plane headed to Atlanta. His father is in Hospice...Said hospice has called...the family needs to come ASAP! and keep watch...the end is near...very sad...I hope he is able to arrive in time...

My daughter and I will hold down the fort here...Bailey is playing on the floor while we watch reruns of NCIS and play on our laptops...Already the FB friends are sending well wishes...

Some of you may remember that some time back, I mentioned that my parents decided that they would take a cruise to the Bahamas..My brother and SIL were already taking it...LOL...too funny right? Well apparently they had a great time! And now, my brother has decided that it would be a fun thing for the whole family to go on a Christmas cruise in December of 2012. It does sound fun...I just hope that I can pull it see, I usually have to work at least one of those major something to worry about...
Well, fellow bloggers, I think I'd better go now because it is a rather sad evening and even though I am enjoying watching  my lovely bright pink nails on the keyboard...I'd better go...

Thanks for tuning in...I promise to try to be more cheerful next time...
Stay Pink!


  1. Hope things got better.

    ...Stopping by from the Over 40 Bloggers Blog.

    Stop by my blog for a book giveaway:


    Chelsey Emmelhainz of HARPER COLLINS is graciously providing FIVE copies for five lucky winners.

  2. Hi Elizabeth will do...
    Kirke's father passed away at 0730 on Thursday morning...


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