
Saturday, August 20, 2011

It"s Pink Saturday!! Again!

It seems as though we just finished up the last one...and what a glorious one it was! Thanks to everyone who commented on the links provided. We were shooting for 5000, a lofty goal...we got ...5,450!!! Wonderful!! Thank you! There was lots of money raised and I am sure that our Charlie will have the most beautiful room ever...

Now, down to the business at hand...This week's Pink Saturday...If you have visited my Little Pink Blog at all this week then you are aware that I finally went back to work ...I covered my Fiasco of a first Day Back in a previous post trulysimplypink Click on it...great entertainment...
So I won't go into that again...the rest of the week went a little better than that, thank Goodness...
I do have to say that the week simply flew by...I am exhausted...It is a pleasure to sit here typing... LATE... on a Saturday morning, contemplating what kind of PINK stuff to put up here for my Pink what will it be...I know...I was able to get a little shopping done...nothing like a little shopping to perk a girl up! Don't you agree? Here is my purchase! Conveniently Pink of course!


Don't forget to visit...Beverly at...


  1. There's nothing like Pink and Chocolate for comfort after a 'Fiasco Work Week'. Happy Pink Saturday!!!!

  2. Pink and chocolate, my two favorites. Happy pink Saturday

  3. Great bag young one. Did you ever find Miss Pink that I'd told you about a few months ago?

  4. It is so good to find another PINK LOVER here in Blogland. Thanks for stopping by, My old Historic House. Thanks for being a new follower and especially thanks for the sweet comment. I sure do appreciate it and you. I am your newest follower as well. have a happy PINK life. Richard

  5. Time does have a way of flying past fast!

  6. What a combination - pink and chocolates. I have found you had better make hay when you can as time does not wait for anyone.

  7. Wow this is one pinkelicious blog....... a girl after my own heart. Happy Pink Saturday but I think every day for you must be pink. Thanks for the visit.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Glad you're on the mend. That pink bag looks like something that every woman should have, you know, in case of emergencies. :) Happy Pink Saturday!

  10. I simply adore pink too! Happy Pink

  11. Thanks for visiting my blog. Please come again. I like the pinkness of your blog because pink happens to be my favorite color so of course I love your pink bag. Hope you have a great week. Shannon

  12. Thank you so much for visiting me on my blog so that I can find your fun blog and follow you too! That bag would look great with the Pink Limo on my blog! lol Imagine all the Pink Saturday crew carrying that bag getting out of the limo shopping in NY and eating chocolates! lol Happy Belated Pink Saturday. Grace

  13. I was in N.Y. and didn't find any of those sweet PINK bags Kim, lol.
    Hope your knee is better OUCH.

  14. Thanks so much for linking this post to my Pinning & Singing Party! I am so happy to hear that there were over 5000 links~ amazing!

    Best wishes and I hope your week has been great so far!

  15. Oh YUMMMM - hope the chocolate was choc-o-licious and this week was GREAT :) - Happy NEW Pink Saturday.


Thank you so much for visiting my Little Pink Blog:) It looks like I now have the ability to reply to your comments! YAY! So I hope you check to see if I have left you a reply, because I always read your comments. They really tickle me...Pink of course...