
Saturday, August 27, 2011

It's Pink Saturday!! Mike Flanagan...

And normally that is such a happy thing...but here in the Baltimore area and in the baseball world things are not so cheery this week:( In fact, since Wednesday we  have been in shock. We have been grieving. 

The Baltimore Orioles and the Baseball world have lost a  Beloved and Favorite Son, Mike Flanagan.
The 1979 Cy Young award winner was more than just a ball player, he was family. He was found on his property on Wednesday afternoon and we are all in shock. His fellow teammates and broadcasters are in tears as they speak about him and the articles written are nothing short of accolades. Mike was family. He was loved and respected by all. His untimely death is a shock and the fact that it is being said that he has committed suicide is a blow to all of us...Did he not know how we all loved, admired, and respected him? How could he think that anyone held him responsible for the teams decline? Could that really be it? They say there can be no way to reason these things...
All I know is that it is one around here is unaffected it seems...
There have been many things written but my favorite is this...

Tim Kurkjian: "No one made me laugh like Mike Flanagan. Tonight, he made me cry."

Below is a link to a video tribute that the orioles played after the first inning last night...the ever classy NY Yankees came out of their dugout and to a man, stood with caps in hand to watch and then applaud...It is short...after all the game must go on...

RIP Mike Flanagan... 
I wish you had known how much we loved you while you were here...I thought you did...

Mike was 59 and leaves behind a wife and 3 daughters.

I am sorry if this brought you pink ladies down...but this is to be a tribute and I did include some pink:)
Join Beverly @ howsweetthesound for some cheerier pink posts:)


  1. Happy Pink Saturday! This was a very nice tribute! Rest in Peace Mike. Grace

  2. RIP Mike and to you Kim, have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Hope Mike is now in peace...

    HPS to you....


  4. I saw this tribute on your fb Kim, but didn't know who you were talking about, now I know. Too young to be gone. I'm so sorry

  5. Why do the good ones always seem to go first?

  6. This is heartbreaking and tragic. I'm really sorry about his death.


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