
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Seriously? Thursday!

Seriously?! No power since last Saturday!!!

Seriously?! I was able to read ...let's see...oh I believe I read maybe 7 books during that time! Pretty cool...

Seriously?! Finally got it back, the power I mean,  yesterday afternoon...

Seriously?! Could have been worse...we still had water, and hot water at that...

Seriously?! It is back...the infection that is...yep that's right...and my Dr. is away...luckily her secretary, and my friend, is still in the office and when she heard my message got back to me right away!

Seriously?! When will this ever end? Back on the med...

Seriously?! I have to work this weekend...oh is my turn I guess...

Seriously?! And this is a good one...I just realized yesterday that I still have 9 vacation days and a holiday to use before the end of the year!! YEEEHAAAA!!!! Oh...clears throat...pardon me...

Seriously?! I have ordered a battery powered fan and a rechargeable epilator to have on hand for the next time we lose power...just sayin' 
Seriously?! That's all folks!


  1. I hope your power comes back on soon kiddo. I know how miserable it can be without AC. How's my Goddog fairing?

  2. While it sucks the power was out that long, pretty awesome you got to read 7 books! I wouldn't mind a mini-power outage myself. :P


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