"I BELIEVE IN PINK! I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles."— Audrey Hepburn

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Every night, friends. You have done what you could. Let it go.

“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Migraine Awareness Month

 So June is Migraine awareness month. I have added a hat to those I already wear. I am now a Migraine advocate in addition to a Breast Cancer advocate. Interesting, right? I really don't advocate for either of those things! I rather am a patient advocate for those that suffer from those afflictions. There, that sounds much better. As such, I was asked/told to put up a post on face book yesterday as part of a campain, "The pain behind the smile" So I was not keen to do this but... when called out about it, I did. First I found a suitable picture, and then the caption. I will replicate it here.

It is Migraine Awareness month...June 14th...is The Pain behind the smile....no smile here. But can you see it in my eyes?


So that was the post. I first posted it in the general population of my FB feed. Then I posted it to  the two Migraine groups that I belonged to. I could not believe the number of comments and reactions that I got on the general post. I mean, I kind of expected it from the members of the migraine groups, but I was surprised and tickled by the response of the other friends. So nice!

So that's it for today...

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

I am Back

It has been quite a while since I have posted a blog and so I have to say I am quite rusty! AS you might imagine a lot has happened since I last posted. Some good some bad. I will not go on at length as I do remember that shorter is better!

SO I can say that I have lost both of my parents since last here. Not together, actually two years apart. Very sad. 

Once Covid hit I was furloughed, and then my psition was eliminated uncerimoniously, by a phone call. Nice...So after a thirty some year career as an Embryologist and before that as a med tech. That was it...no severance.

Today as I went to fill out my weekly unemployment, I had no open action to fill out...so on this, I didn't even get notification, and so, it is on to social security and official retirement! Yippee!

Until Next time,

Thursday, May 7, 2020

This Book Changed Me!

  • I cannot say enough about this book. It is set during the time of world war II. during the occupation of France. Nothing I will say here will do it Justice. The story features two sisters who appear to be very different and we follow them as the war  begins and through to the end of the war and beyond. I know what you are thinking. We do not need another WWII saga... I put off starting it even though it was highly recommended just because of that very reason. Don't do that! If you have not read The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah, please do! The end blew me away

I am not sure how to approach this, except to say that I was living in the moment with these characters. It was as a participant that I went through each day with them and when I got to the end of the story I was unable to just close the book, or turn off the kindle, as it were...I had trouble falling asleep last night as I could not leave their world and still this morning...I am finding it hard to move on. 

Kristin Hannah built a world as I feel it must have been for so many at that time. She pulled no punches and spared none. There were poignant times, sad times, hard and nasty times, and just a few happy times...but over all a beautiful book.

I have to give this one a ...

                                                            SO that's it for today I hope you pick this one up...if you do, or if you have already read The Nightingale, let me know how you felt about it. Until next time...

Thursday, December 14, 2017

T'is the Season

Good Afternoon,
So, I just spent the day at a BC peer review with jazz Christmas as my background...not bad for a day off...
Now I will peruse the catalogs pertaining to same...after a bio break, as
they say...lol...
Work has been, and continues to be beyond the pale, as they say...enough said...

We recently took the little man on a road trip complete with Dramamine and he was a trooper! He even got his first Puppuccino! Isn't he cute?
Unfortunately the trip was for the funeral of my MIL:(
So I am off to look at those Christmas Catalogs...
Talk to you soon!

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

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From the New York Times bestselling authors of America’s First Daughter comes the epic story of Eliza Schuyler Hamilton—a revolutionary woman who, like her new nation, struggled to define herself in the wake of war, betrayal, and tragedy. Haunting, moving, and beautifully written, Dray and Kamoie used thousands of letters and original sources to tell Eliza’s story as it’s never been told before—not just as the wronged wife at the center of a political sex scandal—but also as a founding mother who shaped an American legacy in her own right.

We’re celebrating Eliza Schuyler Hamilton’s Birthday today and you get the gift! Don’t miss the beautiful cover below and a special giveaway, and don’t forget to pre-order your copy today!

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About My Dear Hamilton: A Novel of Eliza Schuyler Hamilton (Coming 4.3.2018):
Wife, Widow, and Warrior in Alexander Hamilton’s Quest to Form a More Perfect Union
From the New York Times bestselling authors of America’s First Daughter comes the epic story of Eliza Schuyler Hamilton—a revolutionary woman who, like her new nation, struggled to define herself in the wake of war, betrayal, and tragedy. Haunting, moving, and beautifully written, Dray and Kamoie used thousands of letters and original sources to tell Eliza’s story as it’s never been told before—not just as the wronged wife at the center of a political sex scandal—but also as a founding mother who shaped an American legacy in her own right.
A general’s daughter…
Coming of age on the perilous frontier of revolutionary New York, Elizabeth Schuyler champions the fight for independence. And when she meets Alexander Hamilton, Washington’s penniless but passionate aide-de-camp, she’s captivated by the young officer’s charisma and brilliance. They fall in love, despite Hamilton’s bastard birth and the uncertainties of war.
A founding father’s wife...
But the union they create—in their marriage and the new nation—is far from perfect. From glittering inaugural balls to bloody street riots, the Hamiltons are at the center of it all—including the political treachery of America’s first sex scandal, which forces Eliza to struggle through heartbreak and betrayal to find forgiveness.
The last surviving light of the Revolution…
When a duel destroys Eliza’s hard-won peace, the grieving widow fights her husband’s enemies to preserve Alexander’s legacy. But long-buried secrets threaten everything Eliza believes about her marriage and her own legacy. Questioning her tireless devotion to the man and country that have broken her heart, she’s left with one last battle—to understand the flawed man she married and imperfect union he could never have created without her…
Pre-Order on Amazon | B&N |GooglePlay |iBooks | Kobo

To celebrate Eliza Schuyler Hamilton’s Birthday today, we have a surprise for you! Share the cover of MY DEAR HAMILTON and fill out the Rafflecopter below to receive an Exclusive Excerpt!

http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/5aedf95d1/" rel="nofollow" data-raflid="5aedf95d1" data-theme="classic" data-template="" id="rcwidget_srstx4he">a Rafflecopter giveaway

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New York Times bestselling author, Stephanie Dray is an award-winning, bestselling and two-time RITA award nominated author of historical women’s fiction. Her critically acclaimed series about Cleopatra’s daughter has been translated into eight different languages and won NJRW's Golden Leaf. As Stephanie Draven, she is a national bestselling author of genre fiction and American-set historical women's fiction. She is a frequent panelist and presenter at national writing conventions and lives near the nation's capital. Before she became a novelist, she was a lawyer, a game designer, and a teacher. Now she uses the stories of women in history to inspire the young women of today.

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New York Times bestselling author, Laura Kamoie has always been fascinated by the people, stories, and physical presence of the past, which led her to a lifetime of historical and archaeological study and training. She holds a doctoral degree in early American history from The College of William and Mary, published two non-fiction books on early America, and most recently held the position of Associate Professor of History at the U.S. Naval Academy before transitioning to a full-time career writing genre fiction as the New York Times bestselling author, Laura Kaye. Her New York Times bestselling debut historical novel, America's First Daughter, co-authored with Stephanie Dray, allowed her the exciting opportunity to combine her love of history with her passion for storytelling. Laura lives among the colonial charm of Annapolis, Maryland with her husband and two daughters.


Thursday, June 9, 2016

Torn By Cynthia Eden

In New York Times bestselling author Cynthia Eden’s latest novel featuring the Last Option Search Team (LOST), one agent’s investigation entices a killer into making her his prey. PARTNERS…FRIENDS… Forensic anthropologist Victoria Palmer has always been better with the dead than the living. Shutting down her emotions, she lets few people in. But then Victoria’s latest investigation takes her and agent Wade Monroe to Savannah, Georgia. Handsome, dangerous, and more than ready to play dirty on any case, Wade weakens Victoria’s aloofness with just one glance. …TO LOVERS Wade knows their recent cases have pushed Victoria beyond her limits. But her skills are crucial to finding a college student who went missing five years ago. Victoria is able to determine she was murdered, and that the killer is still on the loose. And when the vicious murderer targets Victoria, Wade must do everything in his power to protect Victoria… because he refuses to let a woman he loves be torn from him...again. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Award-winning author Cynthia Eden writes dark tales of paranormal romance and romantic suspense. She is a New York Times, USA Today, Digital Book World, and IndieReader bestseller. Cynthia is also a two-time finalist for the RITA® award (she was a finalist both in the romantic suspense category and in the paranormal romance category). Since she began writing full-time in 2005, Cynthia has written over thirty novels and novellas. Cynthia lives along the Alabama Gulf Coast.







 My Review:
Wow, I loved this book. I just wish I had had time to read the others in the series before reading this one. his is the fourth! I am now going to have to play catch up. I am one that really likes to read her books in order too...oh well. I am not a reviewer that believes in putting up any spoilers so I am deliberately vague about the story line in most of my reviews, but highly recommend this one folks. This book has everything I enjoy in a good read. A good strong woman, a strong man, and intelligence in both. I love forensic anthropology and so when these things all come together in a great mystery with a little love thrown in with great writing I cannot resist. I didn't know about these until this one was offered up to me as something to review and I jumped at the chance! Please take my word for it...Pick them up...you won't be sorry...Start with this one if you must, but read them all.
As you may have guessed, this one gets a 

 from me...I can't wait to read the rest of them!

So that's it for this one...
For now...

Monday, May 23, 2016

Here I Am!

Good Afternoon,
It's been a while and so I thought I should check in...you know, in case you all thought I might not be around anymore...I am though...I just haven't written in a while...It has been a stressful year in my life. I don't like that. I don't like that at all. So I don't write about it. I figure you all don't want to read about all that shit in your free time...this stuff is suppose to be for pleasure reading, right? so..anyway...Here I am...My daughter sent me a text while I was at work the other day, it went something like this..."My time hop says that a year ago today we found out that you had breast cancer again...I love you Mom" Sweet...So I posted that on FB and said I love her too...I don't know what I expected...but it was not what I got...interesting...

It will be a year on July first since the bilateral mastectomies. I had quite a long recovery time which must have put something out of wack at work, because I only got a 1% increase this year..a joke! But this is a pink, happy place, right? I am hoping for more this year because I have actually become cleared on, what for me, is a new procedure(Pre implantation Genetics Biopsy) I guess we will see...biopsy.mp4 for those of you that would like to take a look at this fascinating stuff, it really is...there is the link...

So anyway...later in the year, I had reconstruction with implants...sounds good, right? Well, I am one of the few people that can say that my original girls were quite something and oh so much better than these fake ones...I will let it go at that...lol

So I am hoping for bigger and better things from here, but what is with this cold and rainy spring!?! Anyone???

I have taken to reading light hearted cozy mystery bundles and have taken a break from my regular hard core regulars but I will return to them I am sure...
What are you all reading?

Oh and don't worry, the advocacy is still going strong. I am now the Chair of the Komen Advocates in Science Steering Committee and have been doing all kinds of good stuff...maybe I will go into more detail on that in another post...

For now...
