
Sunday, January 16, 2011

Meet Me On Monday!!

It's Time For Another Meet Me On Monday!!!

As Java over at Never Growing Old says:Blogging  is a funny thing...we tell our most intimate thoughts for all to read  and yet most of the time I find myself sitting and wondering, "who is  this person!?"  I know them...but yet I don't know them!  I want  to know who the person is behind all those words so I thought of a great  way for all of us to "meet" each other! 

Every Sunday I will post five get to know you  questions that you can copy and paste into your own Monday post and we  can all learn a little more about each and every one of us!!

"Its a great way to to meet new friends and for others to get to know me Monday at a time!!!"...Sooo...Let's get STARTED!!!
I  will add a linky so we can follow who participates and get to know them  better!!  Be sure to link the POST and not just your whole blog!
Sooo Here goes!


1.  Do you like your ice cream in a dish, waffle cone, pretzel cone, sugar cone or cake cone?  Any one of those appeal but...I'm thinking a pink waffle cone might be good!!

2.  Do you read the newspaper daily? Nope...but if I do, it's on line...

3.  Marinara or meat sauce? Meat sauce for me!! But I like a creamy white sauce on a pink plate actually...

4.  Last time you cried?
Unfortunately this is an easy one...if you look at my past post 
you will see why. Lily was our beloved family pet. Enough said...
5.  What word/phrase do you find really annoying?  "awesome!" It is so over used...and sounds pretty immature coming from some adults...

Time to link up and meet!!

This is a blog hop so if you want to put the linky on your post just click the "Get the Code" at the bottom of the linky.

Your link MUST include your Meet Me On Monday post or it will be deleted!

Also  PLEASE either put the Meet Me On Monday button in your post or link  your post back to me.  I have found several people just posting the  questions and answers in their post and no one knows that they actually  belong to a meme and linky! 


  1. I agree the word awesome is definitely overused.

  2. I cried a lot when I lost my dog. She was 14. I enjoyed your answers. Doylene

  3. Congrats on your 16 years of breast cancer survival. My sister-in-law is on her 16th year as well.

    Sorry about the loss of your Lily. :( We recently lost a pet as well. It is a rough way to start the new year.

    I'm a new follower. Hope you can drop by too! :)

  4. So sorry to hear about Lily. My condolences.


  5. My sympathies on the loss of your beloved furry friend. A friend is a friend no matter the number of legs and losing one is never easy. Love your pink blog!

  6. You know what? I think you're right about "awesome" being annoying. I swear, too many people don't even know its definition, except that it means "cool!" I made my son look it up in the dictionary so he'd know exactly what he means when he describes something as awesome. Incidentally, he doesn't use it nearly as much as he used to. Now I know that when he thinks something is awesome, he really means it!

  7. Glad to find you via the blog hop... hoping you'll stop by and follow me back; check out my giveaway going on until Friday!

  8. Hi Jo-anne, Thanks for stopping by...I am going to visit your site and follow..

    Hi Doylene, Thanks so much. I hope you decide to follow. I am getting ready to stop by your site...

    hi kalea_kane Thanks for coming over and thanks for the congrats...good luck to your sister too! I am getting ready to hop on over to your blog!!

    Hi Pain SUX I am getting ready to head on over to your blog too, thanks so much for coming over and following! Ian;t this fun? Thanks for thinking of me and Lily.

    Hi Beverly, Thanks for coming by my pink blog! I hope you decide to follow! I am heading back over to you! I have so many of you to visit I need to get started...

    Hey Rumtruffle, Love your name...I hope you decided to follow...I am about to hope on over to see everybody! and I hope ti do a lot of hopping in the future. This is fun!

    Hi Alicia, thanks so much for stopping by and signing up...this is so much fun...good idea with your seems I hit a note with that answer...I will be heading on over to your blog in a minute...

    Hi Karen, Thanks fo stopping by, did you follow? I love your picture and I can't find it...I am about to head over to your site...

    Thanks everyone for visiting! It was such fun to sign on and find all of your comments! I hope you don't mind that I answered you all in one post, but it seemed more efficient this I have to get busy, I have lot's of visiting to do! Stay Pink!

  9. Hi kiddo. Every time I see Miss Lily it makes me sad for you, even though I know you're focusing on how much joy she gave you over the years.

    BTW- I tried to hop and I couldn't. I am so frustrated.

  10. We need to talk... if I can you can too...
    And thanks about Lily...

  11. A woman after my own heart, LOVE pink!!! SO sorry about Lily, that is a huge sadness losing a pet.

  12. Thanks Marti! like Pink too! I have to stop by!

  13. Following back! What a beautiful blog! Congrats on 16 years cancer free! Yahoo!

  14. thanks for the follow at For One Another....
    following back :)
    I loved your Not so empty nest post. I'd love for any one of mine to come home, but I doubt very much it will happen. Enjoy the extra time with your "maturing" daughter ;)

  15. Thanks Cindy, and thanks for stopping by and the follow. i am certainly going to try to enjoy this unexpected time with her...

    Thanks for the follow back Allegro Mom, I'm glad you like my pink and thanks for the congrats!

  16. Hi! Thanks for visiting...stopping by and following you!!

    Kristin :)
    Keenly Kristin

  17. My sympathy for your loss. Lily was beautiful! I went to read the link but it just took me to this same post.

    Stopping by from MMOM. Here's our link:

  18. Oh sorry still learning...if you look to the right, the old posts are there and it is listed...

  19. This is so pretty in pink! Thanks for stopping by.

  20. I'm a new follower :-)

    I'm really sorry about Miss Lily -- it's so hard I know having gone through similar moments with much beloved pets. They're family after all.

    And I know what you mean about Awesome - my son uses that one a lot --sigh.

  21. OK, Everybody, I think I have finally fixed the link in the answer to question number 4 in this Monday blog!!! Sheesh...this blogging thing gets complicated...

    Thank you Karen and Gerard for pointing out that it didn't work correctly...thanks Joemamma for coming by and thank you also to Marie...we all have so much in common and this is so much fun...and may I just say ...Thank God for Spell Check! Now to get some real or at least real volunteer work done...on to some grant reviews...but not to worry...I do them on my trusty little pink computer and so I am not going


  22. I'm so sorry about your beautiful, Lily. We got back from a 7 day cruise in Oct., and had to put our Missy to sleep. She was a 16 yr. old pom.
    I am glad to hear you are a cancer survivor. I'm a 2 1/2 yr. tongue cancer survivor.

  23. Oh no, I think I say awesome way too much!

  24. Hi ShirleyC. I'm so sorry to hear about your Missy. How sad these things are..
    I am happy to here of your sister though.

  25. Love all your pink, God Bless you are a survivor. Thanks for stopping by and the Dance like no one is watching is at and then click on buttons and blinkies. Have a wonderful week and I am a new follower.

  26. Hi Mary Ann, I clicked on the picture and it took me to Shabby blogs and now I have it...Yay! Thanks for coming by!

    Kimberly thanks for stopping by and Stay Pink!

  27. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Yours looks great and I'm your newest follower.

  28. Thanks for stopping by and the lovely comments. I'm so sorry to hear about your pup. I'm a dog lover. If I lived alone I would turn my home and property into a doggie rescue. As it is, everyone calls me the 'Nanny' because I doggie sit during the day. Since I'm a writer and work from home I can be available for potty breaks, vet appts, groomers, doggie meds and play time. I love my dog and doggie daycare pups. It's kind of cute. Where ever I go I have a furry entourage.

  29. Hi,
    I'm a new follower from the Meet Me Monday Blog Hop. If you get a minute please stop by my blog and follow me back. I'm also a breast cancer survivor for going on the third year. Yeah to us!!!

    Have a great week,

  30. Hi there, You know what? I think I am already a follower! But I'll make sure!!! Congrats! Fellow survivor!

  31. Following you now! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I was too late (just getting back from out-of-town) to participate in the Meet on Monday.

    I'm so sorry to hear of your doggie loss. I remember vividly when we lost my furry companion and that was several years ago. I keep a picture of him by my bedside table. We lost one of our kitties suddenly this last year and it was just terrible for our family. Our very last furry kid is being treated right now for cancer. He's on his 4th round and is holding steady. We love him dearly and are hoping for the best. Anyway, I hope you have many many happy memories of Lily and hold them close to your heart for a lifetime. :)

  32. Thanks Janine, and thanks for coming by...We do have so many memories of Lily, that is what makes it all worth it. But you know that! Good luck with your little furry one!


Thank you so much for visiting my Little Pink Blog:) It looks like I now have the ability to reply to your comments! YAY! So I hope you check to see if I have left you a reply, because I always read your comments. They really tickle me...Pink of course...