"I BELIEVE IN PINK! I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles."— Audrey Hepburn

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Every night, friends. You have done what you could. Let it go.

“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, June 27, 2011

Summer Reading...What a Pleasure...

I don't know about you but I love to read...I have several reading challenges going and I tend to get the next book out, from my favorite authors as they come...much to my DH's chagrin...I do most of my reading these days on my trusty Kindle...Love this thing! As I finish a book, it even gives me the option to send a notice to that effect to Twitter and Facebook! Which, of course, I do!

Just recently, I have been reading a couple of collections of short stories written by some of my favorite authors that have gotten together to promote newer authors within the realm of their genre...Thrillers...Steve Berry, James Rollins, and Gayle Lynds, just to name a few...sprinkled throughout are lesser known and newer authors...A great read! The first one is called Thrillers...There are three!
I also love a great beach book...and yes, I do take my trusty kindle to the beach...there are special covers for that! 

You see, it is all enclosed in a splash and sand proof cover that I can read through and work the buttons too! Handy...

Here is my everyday cover...

So, what are you reading this summer?? And what do you read it on?

Saturday, June 25, 2011

It"s Pink Saturday!!

Hi Out There!
I hope everyone had a great Saturday...I am working this weekend...Hopefully helping those that need help and all that.....so since that is the case, and because it is late...this particular Pink Saturday post will be short and sweet! 
It is getting late and I am tired and have to be up early...I discovered a blog that is new to me and she had a great picture on her sidebar...I fell in love! 
Here it is...and the link to her blog is below that...enjoy!

Isn't that a great picture?
So that's all I've got this week...
I'll see you later in the week please stop in!

Linking up to Beverly's Pink Saturday at

Sunday, June 19, 2011

We're Back!! and it isn't Saturday but it is PINK!

We had a lovely vacation! I know, aren't they all? But this one really was...we went to a place called Sunset Beach, NC. This is located just above our beloved North Myrtle Beach, SC...So, technically someplace different, but close enough that we could visit our old haunts in the evening...We stayed in a nicely priced... IE; affordable...condo, located on a golf course...no we don't golf...but I watch golf...we were on the second floor and our screened in porch overlooked the 17th hole...lol...fun...(complete with the requisite sand trap, oops bunker...) off the end of the porch was a lovely pond complete with turtles and alligators...(see the previous post for more about that)

There you go...hole 17...
We had some fun with this...all would be quiet and then I would hear a plop...pretty soon a cart would arrive and out would pile some golfers...once in a while they have the good taste to be wearing pink...lol...
here is a shot of the view off the end of the porch...have I mentioned that it was screened in yet?? lol...

You can see the pond out there...I just had such a good time finding turtles either on the bank or with their little heads sticking out here and there in the water! The alligators would come out and sun themselves also...they looked so much like their surroundings they could be hard to spot...

Can you see the 6 turtles in a row that I spotted one afternoon?
One of my favorite memories! Actually there may be 7!

Here are a couple more shots of number 17 and the porch...

Oh look! Golfers! I do believe one of them is in Pink!

 Heaven...The weather was lovely and breezy!

The beach was to die for...the tide came up so high at night that the sand was very hard packed...perfect!

Here is my little area all set up for me by my daughter's friend...she was great at getting the umbrella dug down deep enough...those are her green flip flops...can you guess what color mine are?

Here are the bathing beauties!

And here is another shot of the lovely beach!

OK, so what would a Pink Saturday link up be with out some PINK!!
I mentioned that we went to our old NMB haunts in South Carolina also...

So...the very first day before the girls even arrived we headed for Broadway at the beach and hit my husband's favorite place...

That's right! and here he is taking a picture of me sitting in the boat!!

Now, you have to know that while on vacation...I shop...and here is where the Pink Part of the post comes in! So...here we go with the show and tell...sit back and enjoy....The girls and I visited the outlets...I, in particular, went to the coach outlet store and a little shop across from Margaritaville called Bijujus...

My new hats!

Just had to have this...

Coach key chain...

change purse...



The Purse!!

Well that's it folks! I can honestly say...that I am sorry to be back...I wish we had at least another week...although I am so happy to be reunited with the Bailey Boy!

Linking up with...Beverly at

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Good Bloggers Pay it Forward!

It's an award! and I have received this wonderful one from Jo-anne over at bloominglovely

Of course, I am honored to accept! Thank you Jo-Anne
There are rules...
1.  Mention the blogger who gave you the award 
2.  Link to their blog 
3.  Pay It Forward to 5 bloggers.

I pass this award on to these 5 wonderful bloggers

So there you have it...I hope you check these five blogs out they are great and the one at the top also... after all she is the original that started this whole thing..
I am Paying it Forward...with pleasure!

We have arrived!! Vacation!! Bring it on!!

This is the entrance to the condo building...sigh...
Lovely isn't it?

This sign is outside near the pond...
Um... apparently some parents let kids feed the alligators???
I am picturing...Hey kids, here's some bread go feed the little alligators...
 On the screened in porch with my morning coffee, the breezes and the little alligators and turtles, sunning by the pond...
Them, not me...

Oh look! There's a foursome out there...My first one! Hee, hee...
Such fun...
The condo is lovely! My daughter will love the mini suite when she arrives today...
That's it for now...I must go make myself beach/pool worthy...before the hubby returns...you know...(the legs)
Until next time...

Linking up today...

Saturday, June 11, 2011

It"s Pink Saturday!!

 And we are now on vacation!! But first I must pack...
Here are a few PINK essentials...

OK, so I have a thing for purses...I am taking some of my favorites...I don't have time to change them too often in real life...so...I think that is Bailey's tail to the left...up there...

Another shot...I am taking a few outfits also...

Aww...Bailey says, he wants to be packed also...
I wish I could...

He really wants to be a part of all this activity!
He is such a little sweetheart...Can't you just tell?

And here is my beach visor...My daughter is mortified by this...

So that's it for me! I couldn't leave without first putting up my PS post...

Won't you join us over at Beverly's

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

It's Wednesday! and ...My Mind is Wandering...

Yep...That is a picture of the temperature reading in my car as I drove home today...with the windows open...
because my Climate Control finally gave out...
for good...because...
$2000.000 is 
way too much to pay...

So...I am picturing myself there...

Watching this guy...

And drinking some of this...
There, I feel better...
