"I BELIEVE IN PINK! I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles."— Audrey Hepburn

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Every night, friends. You have done what you could. Let it go.

“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, July 29, 2011

I am sorry!

Please excuse my absence from my little pink blog for the last couple of weeks. I will probably be missing for at least another good week.  
I have been seriously ill, and as such, unable to blog. 
The fact the I am finally letting you know means that I am finally turning a corner, but I am not there yet...
Thanks for your understanding.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

It's Saturday Again...And You know What That Means!!

          That's right! It's time for another Pink Saturday Post! Now, some might think someone might run out of pink things to post...but some would be wrong! Very wrong...lol...

Actually, it was another one of those Saturday's where I had to work, and so this one is going up late...but it was not too bad...You see we are salary and so we can leave when the work is done, at least on the weekend...and today, that happened fairly early...and it was a lovely day again in this neck of the woods...In fact, on the way out of the building, I thought, why not use these lovely surroundings for my Pink Saturday post? And so...I pulled out my trusty blackberry and went to work...the results are below...

This is the view as I walk down the path to the parking garage...My favorite Crepe Myrtle...PINK...

A close-up of said Myrtle...

Looking down on the pond from the path above...

This is a shot of the pond area that the walkway looks down on ...very nice area for patients and staff alike to enjoy...this area is actually outside the second floor entrance to the Cancer Center. Which, in addition to the Fertility Center that employs yours truly, is also located in the same building.
All in all a very lovely atmosphere, wouldn't you say...Now, since I have to be there at the "butt-crack of dawn" I usually head on home and settle in for a day of napping, and baseball. Not necessarily in that order and usually together...so in honor of that...


Linking up with Beverly & the rest of the Pink ladies @ howsweetthesound

Friday, July 15, 2011

Close Call...

There it is...my little haven of an office out on my back porch! Yesterday was a gorgeous day around these parts and as I was awoken around 0730 on my day off...I decided to take advantage of it and head on out there.
Note, if you will, the netting surrounding me...no nasty mosquitoes for me...ha ha...na, na, na, na, na...
I have to have a moment here...they usually eat me alive...
Now, they cannot! Yippee!!!
But I digress...
The weather was just lovely, 70's and sunny...Bailey and I were out there for hours...

For any of you newbies out there, this is Bailey...I don't think he is was too crazy about the netting. He couldn't get to me...
I played my jazz, drank coffee, green tea, played on the computer and read for quite a few hours...
At one point my daughter stuck her head out and said goodbye before she left for work...and locked the door...
That's right, she locked the door!
After a while Bailey needed a drink of water and I, well let's just say that nature was calling...
I got up, zipped myself out of my little shelter and headed on over to the door...turned the knob...and nuthin'. Not a thing...
I could not believe it! I walked back over to my little shelter, zipped myself back in and messaged my daughter in all caps!!
"I didn't lock it"! she replied.
Well I sure didn't, I thought...
I called my husband after looking for the key that we used to keep hidden out back...
Luckily he was able to guide me to it and all's well that ends well. Because, let me tell you, I was looking around the backyard for a place to go if you know what I mean...
That brings to mind a time or two, that as a teenager, I was locked out of the house!
But that is a post for another day...

Thursday, July 14, 2011

It's Pink and Green Thursday!

Won't you join us?

I guess those of you that know, can guess why this one appealed to me...So let me see...hmmm
I bet I can find something around here to fit the bill...

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Saturday, July 9, 2011

It's Another Pink Saturday!!

Hi There! It is Saturday, and it is PINK...OK, it's always pink around here... and I am kind of winging this one...but as I was going through my emails this morning I ran across somewhat of a wonderful surprise that could turn into an even better thing...someone out there in blogland is giving away these earrings...that's right...note the lovely pink color...here is the link...don't you dare go there! These are to be MINE! All MINE! Anyway...I sure hope so...clears throat...crosses fingers...babesandbling (the link) so there it is, if you go there, please enter my name a few more times...just kidding...sigh...
Now to the rest of my Pink post...I'll keep you "posted" on the above...
It is a lovely day out there and as soon as the Hubby exchanges our new umbrella for the shorter one...we will get it, and the netting set up and I will be a happy camper again...
I shall laugh at those pesky mosquitoes from within! Bwahaaaaa...

Catchy little saying, don't you think? My new motto...
Some of you may have noticed that I have added a new page up top...(you may also have noticed that there was no segue here...) Oh well...It's my blog and I couldn't think of one...Anyway...I added a "Favorite Quotes" page...check it out if you have time...and if you have any favorite quotes and want to pass them on to me I am open to suggestions...I am also thinking of adding a "Books I Have Read" page...What do you think?
I took a break right in the middle of posting this and made a couple of new buttons and things that I will use at the end here...hence the lack of segue there...just trying to change it up a little, let me know what you think!

And See You Later...

Make sure you kink up with Beverly and the other Pink girls at howsweetthesound

I have an UPDATE.....

See the spiffy new umbrella and see how the netting hangs down? There is a nifty zipper near my chair!! Now I am all set to enjoy the cool summer evening breeze with a drink and my kindle...
Sans those damn mosquitoes:)))

Friday, July 8, 2011

Stalk Hop Friday!!

Stalk Hop Friday

It's finally here! It's Friday, and I have another three day weekend! Yay! Don't Hate...
I deserve it...because I say so...lol...I work hard...and it is my day off for working the Memorial Holiday...
Soooo, What's everybody doing this weekend?
Me?  Just relaxing...The Screen thingy came and so I hope we can put that up! See hits-summer-blog-hop for more info. on that...
Just think...out back at the table, and no sucky mosquitoes...I will laugh at them...Bwahaaaaaa
OK, I'll settle down now...
Oh, Trying a fun new blog hop tonight!...click the button at the top to join in!
Something new around here! Check out my Favorite Quotes page at the top! I am also thinking about adding a Books I Have Read page...What do you think?

Monday, July 4, 2011

A New Book Challenge!

Challenge Guidelines:
1. Anyone can join. You don't need a blog to participate.

--Non-bloggers: Include your information in the comment section.

2. There are seven levels:

-- Curious – Read 3 e-books.

-- Fascinated – Read 6 

-- Addicted – Read 12 

-- Obsessed – Read 
20 e-books.

-- Possessed – Read 
50 e-books.

-- Fanatical – Read 
75 e-books.

-- Monomaniacal – Read 
100 e-books.

3. Any genre counts.

4. You can list your books in advance or just put them in a wrap-up post. If you list them, feel free to change them as the mood takes you.

5. Challenge begins January 1, 2011 and lasts until December 31, 2011.
6. When you sign up under Mr. Linky, put the direct link to your post about the E-Book Reading Challenge. Include the URL so that other participants can join in and read your reviews and post.
Can you believe it? Is this meant for me or what!?! I just found this but I am well on the way already. I mentioned signing up for fanatical but I may be able to hit the level of Monomaniacal...What do you think?
Now I am not sure if that picture up there is going to work as a link so here is a live link...

So go ahead and click on it and join in...if you dare...lol if you have an e reader...
Love this stuff

So here we go!!!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

It's a Summer Blog Hop!

What fun! So much fun, that I thought I'd do a little post around it...after all, Summer is special, and this is a holiday weekend after all... so...here it is...

aquariann's Summer Blog Hop
Looks great huh?
We are all set for the summer around here...I am sure, as many of you know, it is a work in progress...We have a covered porch out back that runs the length of the house...we have a round table that has a cute tablecloth on it but no umbrella in the hole...and we have Mosquitoes!!!
Well, I saw...and we ordered the neatest thing the other day! A screening thing that fits over the table umbrella and comes down to the ground so that Voila! You are surrounded by netting and no pesky mosquitoes!! OK, I know I said there is no umbrella...well we have that covered too. DH just picked one up today(it's not pink, but it is nice) and tomorrow after we get it set up I will provide pictures...I know, I'm a tease right? Sorry...
I am very excited about this! I am very sensitive to those damn mosquito bites.
Here is a picture of it in the catalog!

Isn't that the coolest thing?
I promise that I'll put up a picture of our own set up once the screen gets here and we put it up!!
I can't wait to enjoy the evenings out there with my Kindle and computer and I will laugh at the Mosquitoes...:))
Oh and the umbrella? We will just yank that baby out and take it to the beach with us when we go back...I am still campaigning for that...
