"I BELIEVE IN PINK! I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles."— Audrey Hepburn

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Every night, friends. You have done what you could. Let it go.

“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, December 9, 2012

I did it!!

The ArtsyGirl Connection

That's right! I signed up for a Christmas ornament swap! I have never Done anything like this before and so I am pretty excited about it:)

We all signed up a while ago and we were supposed to make sure that our partners got our ornaments my the 8th of December...So I am going to show you what I sent out to my swap partner:)
Then...as soon as I receive my goody...I will update this post...What fun...right!?!

So...here goes...

There they are:) all snug in their box...

Now the gift tag:)

Put on the cover and stick it in another box...

Now for the envelope and the dreaded packing tape...


Now I mail it and wait:)

The hardest part...lol...
But fun too...

Stay tuned...

Sunday, December 2, 2012

December Blog Hop!

a mom blog community!

What fun and what a great idea:)

We will hop around and meet new bloggers and have some holiday Pinkness! Won't you join in the fun and Hop along with us!?!

Happy Hopping

Friday, November 30, 2012

A Holiday Porches Pink Saturday!

There is nothing like the holidays to bring out the best in people and I have to say that I simply love that! I have noticed that the posts on Facebook and even on twitter are so pleasant for the most part:)
How nice...

I have a few boards on Pinterest and for the most part I rarely have anyone pay attention to them...but right now I receive notices of new followers every day...Can you guess which board? No? Well...Pink Christmas! That's the one!...lol...

Stop over at howsweetthesound To join in the fun:)

A sample:)

another one...

Saturday, November 17, 2012

A Gather Together Pink Saturday!


    As Thanksgiving approaches, we all tend to think of those things that we are most thankful for. 
Lately I have been thinking that it is best to be thankful for the everyday...the things that we all take for granted...the things that many lost during hurricane Sandy.

I have a friend and fellow committee member (Survivor committee) that took it upon herself to create Project Hope. Pattie encouraged everyone she knows to gather clothes and other practical items and bring them to her. I was able to donate several bags of items and I met and got several bags more from friends...By the time I was through, I had a truckful:)
She gathered a team of 25 people to travel up to New Jersey to volunteer with an organization called Samaritan's Purse. 
They ended up taking over 80 boxes of clothes and other items! 
The group was assigned to work on a family home and to help haul out and clean up the home and grounds...
I was unable to go as I had to work, but I understand that the day was a huge success!   
The experienced has forever changed them...and myself...for the better...

So as we gather together this Thanksgiving and enjoy all that this holiday has to offer, please keep in mind all of the little things that your life includes...and give thanks for them:) 


Monday, November 12, 2012

Monday Quiz...Join In:)

I haven't done a Meme in quite a while...So I thought...Why not?

This one looked fun!

And now for this weeks questions:

1. What is your favorite kind of soup?
2. When was the last time you saw snow?
3. What is a must have trait if someone is going to live with you?
4. Who was your favorite James Bond?

Now, don't forget to add a 5th question to your own Blog so that we can all answer it in the comments as we hop around!

OK...so...My answers...

1. What is your favorite kind of soup?
Well, I think mine is either Broccoli Cheese or Potato or Italian wedding...

3. What is a must have trait if someone is going to live with you?
Um...well they have to love pink! Of course<3 i="i">

4Who was your favorite James Bond? 
Why, Sean Connery, of course!

Now for my 5th question! Who is your favorite author!?! 
Please answer this question in the comments below:)

Now, don't forget, if you want to join in the fun you can link up by visiting either of our hosts, Acting Balanced or Touristic
or by clicking the box at the top:)


Saturday, October 27, 2012

Pink Saturday:) Breast Cancer Awareness Edition!

OK, So ya'll must know how special this one is to me:) That's why this one is so late in the day going up...I knew it had to be special and I had to be in the right frame of mine...
Read: rested...
I have tried to do a lot of that this week, rest I mean...if you know me at all, or have stopped by at all recently, than you know that the last few weeks have been a little intense to say the least...AND it all culminated last weekend in our local Race for the Cure!!!
Of which I just happen to be the Survivor Tent/Activity Chair:)
SO...Here Goes...

Our theme this year was:
"The Cures...Our Road to the Sweet Life"

Cures is plural on purpose because breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease and so more than one cure needs to be found!

First of all I do not do it alone...I am sure that this does not surprise you...I have a great committee of dedicated women! 
Here are a few shots of set up...We have a large race  with over 2000 survivors and so a large tent...
The largest in the race village:)

I really love the fenced in area:)

Here is an example of the cards that we had made for our survivors to write on...the cards have our theme on them and then in the cupcake they say I race for___________and in the corner say

A smaller version of course...it is part of my email signature:)
We have them hang them all over the front of the fence out in front of the tent!

Hanging the banner:) It's a gingerbread house:)

A shot of the inside as the morning begins...in the forefront you see the portrait makers on the one side and survivors on the other...Students from MICA in Baltimore, volunteer their time to do this for us:)

We also have photo key chains, and coffee and food, we had a make it take it in the form of scarves! That was fun too.
We had a DJ that also donated his time...He kept the place rockin' 
We even had three reigning beauty queens! One of them is a committee member:)

One of our committee members brought an empty poster in to the elementary school and the students signed it and sent their best wishes!

From the outside on set up day...

More setting up:)

Getting there!

It begins...In this one you can see the CUPCAKE truck parked inside the fence:)) yes, Icedgems donated 2000 of their pink ribbon mini cupcakes to our survivors and, as it turns out, to many others! You can also see the word IMPACT on a canvas in the front of the photograph...the fence has a bump out in the front of it that houses four canvasses each with a different word on them. The survivors are invited to sign them and throughout the year they are displayed at different functions. In fact, the ones from previous years are displayed inside our tent...
At the two entrances we are set up to hand out sticky Komen running ribbons to each survivor, one for each year of survival, pink mardi gras beads, and a Pink Rose to each Survivors also...This year we also included a book mark with our theme written on it.

The Parade of Pink culminated in the HUGE Survivor Photo as the Sun came up!

and so I will leave you with this...

