"I BELIEVE IN PINK! I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles."— Audrey Hepburn

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Every night, friends. You have done what you could. Let it go.

“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, April 29, 2012

World Book Night USA, April 23, 2012

Spreading the love of reading, person to person...

What is World Book Night? World Book Night is an annual celebration designed to spread the love of reading and books. To be held in the U.S. as well as the U.K. and Ireland, on April 23, 2012. It will see tens of thousands of people go out into their communities to spread the joy and love of reading by giving out free World Book Night paperbacks.

World Book Night  through social media, and traditional publicity will also promote the value of reading, of printed books, and of book stores and libraries year-round.
OK, that's the spiel, but what did I do? Well, I gave out books...
Simple huh? Well, not so much...If you remember, I got sick, so I was sick for WBN...but I went and picked up my box of 20 books from 
Up on main street near me right after work on that Friday and before I left for OC and the race...
We all had 30 books to choose from...

There is a quick shot!
I chose one of my all time favorites...

A Prayer for Owen Meany
If you have not read this book...Please do yourself a favor and read it! I first learned of the story a couple of years ago when I watched the movie, starring Jim Carey, on TV...I immediately ran out and bought both that, and the book... because all great movies had to come from a book, right?
I don't like to copy and paste here, but...
John Irving’s A Prayer for Owen Meany is the inspiring modern classic that introduced two of the author’s most unforgettable characters, boys bonded forever in childhood: the stunted Owen Meany, whose life is touched by God, and the orphaned Johnny Wheelwright, whose life is touched by Owen. From the accident that links them to the mystery that follows them–and the martyrdom that parts them–the events of their lives form a tapestry of fate and faith in a novel that is Irving at his irresistible best.
There you have it...
Well, as I was sick for two days...I did my giving on Wednesday...I started out by handing one to my manicurist...She was surprised and pleased! She is from Viet Nam and told me, jokingly, that she might only be able to read a half page a day...I said "go for it" it will be worth it!
Next I stopped in at Target...One lady on the way in said no thanks...Hmmm...I was a little daunted, but...I handed one to a young lady who seemed to be very pleased and told me she works at night and that this would be perfect! On the way out of Target I gave two to the guys putting the shopping carts in order..lol...as I looked back they were eagerly thumbing through them!
I must confess to having a little help from my DH, but between the two of us, over the next day we gave out all twenty of them. It is my hope that when they are done with these copies of A prayer for Owen Meany, these copies will be passed on...
So that is my experience with WBN! Will I do it again? Absolutely! And next year, I hope to be able to attend the little WBN party at the book store:) And hand the books out on the day itself! nd maybe even take a few pictures...sigh...
So the only thing I have left to remind me of WBN now, are the empty box on the front seat of my car and the pin and certificate..

Pretty cool, huh!

What!?! Another Race!?! Yup...And before you say anything...Yes, we are nuts!!! LOL...

So that banner up there is a clue...We here in Maryland, decided sometime during the last year, that it might be a good idea to host a second race...now by race, I am referring to a Susan G Komen Race for the Cure...I am the Survivor Activities Chair for the MD RFTC. I have been for several years, and I am actually a past Race Chair...
Those of us that are chairs and hold other leadership positions for the "big race" agreed to mentor those that were to be stepping up to volunteer to run the "little race" to be held in Ocean City, MD in April. Our race is held in October. 
We had upwards of over 30,000 participants and raised over 3 million dollars! 
Once that was done we began to plan for the smaller, inaugural race to be held on the eastern shore:)
I was to mentor, my counter part...It turns out that I was a lucky one. The lady that stepped up to do the survivor tent at the shore is a gem, as is her special committee. I remember many of them from the initial meeting when we visited to talk it up and recruit...I spoke at that event...
Well, we all traveled to the ocean last weekend for a "fun" weekend. We stayed in donated condos that were beautiful, and of an ilk that I will never be able to pay for...lol...
Here are a few pictures...

That is the view from our room...
Now let me just say that I spent the weekend with some of my very favorite people in the world!!
Saturday, which was set up day, was gorgeous!

One of my roommates...

A bit of whimsy in the survivor tent...
The ladies did a lovely job with their beach theme and the decorations...They tried to say I was a big help...

Here is an example of one of the centerpieces...

Another one...

A closer view...

It was earth day and so we gave out seedlings...

Even Goldfish! Can you believe it!?! 
And all of this was to be taken home by the survivors at the end...

Pretty beachy, Yes?

Everybody got into the spirit!

Can you find Pinkim!?! I am there!
And one more...

That's the start line on the boardwalk of Ocean City, MD
OK, just one more...

See those boards?...that's right, they are WET!! It poured, ALL DAY, Sunday!!
Oh well...a fun, if wet time, was had by all...we had hoped for 3,000 participants and I believe we topped that...so...success...Now...we plan for the big one...Had a meeting on Wednesday...
Did I mention that I was sick on Monday and Tuesday?...and that Monday was World Book Night USA? No? Well, that has to be another post...For now...
Here's a link...Please click on it...You won't regret it...

Linking up...

Sunday, April 15, 2012

100 Years Ago Today!

The Titanic! There she is, in all her Glory!

That's right! 100 years ago today, the Titanic hit an iceberg and sank...We, as a people, have been fascinated with the story ever since. 

She was a grand ship, the best and grandest of her time. The powers that be were so sure of her mettle that they did not heed the recommended number of life boats...If only they could rethink that decision! 

For now she rests on the bottom, and has for 100 years...A ghostly reminder of that fatal decision...

A whole host of stories arose from this incredible incident in our history...both true and mythical...Not the least of which was this one! Did you know that Molly Brown rowed a life boat of many people to safety, I think she rowed for a LONG time!!

I too have a story!
My very own Grandmother, as a girl with her family, had booked passage on the Titanic to come to America from Whales to join her Father. He had already come ahead and set up house...
On the way to the docks that fateful day, the wagon that my Grandmothers family was riding in lost a wheel...they had it repaired and continued on, but they were too late...they had missed the boat, so to speak...They were to go on to take the sister ship the Lusitania at a later time..."But for the Grace of God" as they say...
So you see, I and the rest of my family might not have been here at all....if not for a broken wagon wheel...

Oh! and imagine my Grandmother's Father's great surprise when he later opened the door to his family that he had believed to have died on this fateful day in April. 100 years ago today!

There's the lovely lady herself and her Granddaughter (Me)
Circa 1987-88

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Happy Pink Saturday!

And it sure is a glorious 

day here in My neck of Maryland!

Here is a Picture of the 

Azalea I step out of the front door to every morning...
It is the first thing I see as I look down the steps...I can also see it as I look out the window from my seat on the couch!

Before I came over here to my little pink blog I was socializing a little over on Facebook...

Someone really did not approve:( He climbed right up onto my lap, such that I had to push the computer forward to accommodate him...Oh Bailey...You gotta love him:) If I so much as try to type or pick up the cell phone he gets quite put out...lol...I may continue only when he decides to get down...Such a hardship...sigh...
I  know we have covered this ground before, but it bears repeating...
So what are all of you out there doing on this glorious Spring day?
Me? I'm computering, maybe-cleaning, reading, and of course, there will be BASEBALL on through it all:)

Pink Saturday (click)

Poofy Cheeks

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Happy Easter Weekend! Happy Pink Saturday! And Welcome Back Boys!

Wow! Look at all of the Easter eggs on that tree!
Looks like fun, doesn't it?
That photo just brings a big smile to my face:)

Here is another one...

Aren't they cute?
and this...
Here, though, is a real sign that spring has arrived in our house...

That's right! The boys of summer are back in town!! It is opening weekend at the Yard! We have won the first two games of the season and this is, in large part, why my weekend chores did not get done today...sigh...Baseball!! All day! Bliss!!

My Team!

I passed those on the way to my Drs appointment last week...They were planted around this...

You can't tell, but the water is flowing through the ribbon fountain...Beautiful
I hope everyone has a happy and healthy holiday weekend whatever the celebration...Happy Spring!

Linking up with the Pink Saturday crowd over at
