"I BELIEVE IN PINK! I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles."— Audrey Hepburn

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Every night, friends. You have done what you could. Let it go.

“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Week That Wasn't...

Or something like that...I made it in to work...and on time...for the first two days of the week...But Man...it was down hill from there!
I keep saying that I need to just hibernate through January...
I am now on my second round of Antibiotics...Had to actually go in to see the Good Doctor because with my history she wanted to check out my lungs...Well she gave them a listen, and thankfully, they sounded good! So I am home all week... me and the little buddy...

He snuggled in and kept me company...
Don't let the computer fool you...I listened in on a conference call and took a few notes...I think I even agreed to be in charge of something...uh oh...
I have work to get done and have done NONE of it...and I do mean NONE of it...I hope to scramble and get it done by end of business on Monday...
Heavy sigh...

There he is again...different day...
and yes that is, indeed, a Christmas stocking in the background...do not judge...I am actually enjoying it...the tree is lit and candles are too! I like it! 
So there! lol!

And today...

So I will eventually try to get a little done, but apparently not just yet...lol...

Sunday, January 20, 2013

My first 2013 Reading Challenge!


I love to read and for any of you that have been following along here for a while you know that I usually join in on a few reading challenges each year...
Here is my first one:)

Just click on the link below the picture to join in!

Wish me luck!

I haven't decided which book to dog into yet...but here are the rules...
To sign up you MUST make a post on your blog about participating in the challenge. Please feel free to use the banner above, however, a link via the image back to this post, so others can join the challenge if they wish, would be much appreciated.


  • Timeline: 01 Jan 2013 – 31 Dec 2013
  • Rules: Read 100 books in 2013 (any genre)
  • You don’t have to select your books ahead of time, you can just add them as you go. Also if you do list them upfront you can change them, nothing is set in stone! The books you choose can crossover into other challenges you have on the go.
  • You can join at anytime. All books read in 2013 count towards the challenge regardless of when you sign up.
  • At the beginning of Jan 2013, you will find a link to specific month to add your reviews.
  • Audiobooks are accepted.
  • Only fiction, no non-fiction.
  • This challenge can crossover to other challenges.
  • You DO NOT have to write reviews of the books you read, but if you decide to then a place will be available each month  for you to link up your reviews.
  • You don’t have to have a blog to join in – for those without a blog but who use Goodreads, Amazon, LibraryThing etc, you can add the URL to where you track your books. If you don’t have a URL at all then choose a name you would like to use and then copy and paste the following link: http://wp.me/p2wdqf-6ZI

So there you have it:)

Thursday, January 17, 2013


 Don't you just wish that people would be real!?!

I mean I wish that when someone says something or when you hear something on a sports channel that you could take it at face value...I do...or at least I did...until last night...I don't know when it changed...but it did...and It makes me very sad to have discovered this...Last night the Hubs and I were talking, and of course, I was the one in the know:) and as I began to explain, or defend, if you will...I hesitated and then trailed off and stopped all together and actually said, never mind. I don't know, we will have to wait and see...That made me sad, very sad. I can no longer stand up for, or trust those that I admire and look up to. I suppose that sometime over the last weeks I have been burned too many times...I have believed one time too many...or defended tooth and nail, only to have it thrown in my face that I was wrong...Just last night, I finally crossed the line...I stayed true through, the Raffys, and the the rest of them, through the Tigers and Lances and then last night I found myself unable to defend an innocent...I don't know when it happened...and I am so sad...
What kind of world is this that we live in?

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

My Rambling New Year Post

I sure do hope that all of you had a wonderful holiday season! I and my little family did:)
We spent the time quietly...I wasn't able to get the week of Christmas off so I took the week before off:) That worked out quite nicely, actually:) I am thinking that may become a tradition...

I spent a lot of time enjoying my own personal Pandora station, which I have named, Christmas Cannon...and with my fireplace video on the screen...Lovely...

I have one of those husbands who wants very little spent on him...a just get me a GC to Walmart kind of guy...So when our daughter suggested that we split the difference and spurge on an ipad mini for him, I was all like well how in the world am I going to get the money out of him for THAT!?!

Well we did it! And we had to order it because we could not find it anywhere...and Fedex rocks!! It got here on Christmas Eve!

He lovedit!! And the rest of us were just as spoiled...

But the season had it's downs also...
I have a personal hero named 
She is a hero to many, actually...

A picture of Bridget on one of the very few days without Chemotherapy over the last 7 years...her wedding day...
The photographer writes"This is a first for me... knowing a beautiful bride I photographed on one of the best days of her life has written her own goodbye post."

I have mentioned Bridget around here before...She is a young women that has been courageously fighting stage four Breast Cancer since being diagnosed at the age of 21. Yes, 21.
She is now 27...She has written her last blog post...and she has asked that we let her go...and give her the time she needs to say good bye to her "Big Man" her husband...
and to "Please don't forget Me"

As if!!!
There is a movement, or project if you will...we know that Bridget loves her pearls...and so they are being collected in her honor...individual pearls are being sent and will be strung in her memory and given to her husband so that he will know that each of us will indeed remember her, or angel...Hopefully before she leaves us...Paradise Pearls is going to string them and also make a donation in her name to Komen! If you are interested...A Pearl to Bridget is the name of the project...it is a Facebook event.
Bridget, we love you!
We are all praying that Bridget finds the peace and understanding that she needs to become an angel...
Somehow, I think that we all felt that this day would never come...

On to other things...I did say this one would be a rambling post...

I do believe that it is some sort of tradition to make a resolution or two at this time...However, I just sow something on FB that I agree with...It said Don't make New Year Resolutions, Make New Years Plans...Do you have any?

I have a few...
Perhaps I will even exercise this year...Nothing too ambitious!

I will do a post soon about the Reading challenges that I plan to do in 2013! That's always fun:)
For now I just plan a trip to the hair salon so I have to sign off here...enough rambling...
Stay tuned...
