"I BELIEVE IN PINK! I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles."— Audrey Hepburn

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Every night, friends. You have done what you could. Let it go.

“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Saturday, August 27, 2011

It's Pink Saturday!! Mike Flanagan...

And normally that is such a happy thing...but here in the Baltimore area and in the baseball world things are not so cheery this week:( In fact, since Wednesday we  have been in shock. We have been grieving. 

The Baltimore Orioles and the Baseball world have lost a  Beloved and Favorite Son, Mike Flanagan.
The 1979 Cy Young award winner was more than just a ball player, he was family. He was found on his property on Wednesday afternoon and we are all in shock. His fellow teammates and broadcasters are in tears as they speak about him and the articles written are nothing short of accolades. Mike was family. He was loved and respected by all. His untimely death is a shock and the fact that it is being said that he has committed suicide is a blow to all of us...Did he not know how we all loved, admired, and respected him? How could he think that anyone held him responsible for the teams decline? Could that really be it? They say there can be no way to reason these things...
All I know is that it is heartbreaking...no one around here is unaffected it seems...
There have been many things written but my favorite is this...

Tim Kurkjian: "No one made me laugh like Mike Flanagan. Tonight, he made me cry."

Below is a link to a video tribute that the orioles played after the first inning last night...the ever classy NY Yankees came out of their dugout and to a man, stood with caps in hand to watch and then applaud...It is short...after all the game must go on...

RIP Mike Flanagan... 
I wish you had known how much we loved you while you were here...I thought you did...

Mike was 59 and leaves behind a wife and 3 daughters.

I am sorry if this brought you pink ladies down...but this is to be a tribute and I did include some pink:)
Join Beverly @ howsweetthesound for some cheerier pink posts:)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

It"s Pink Saturday!! Again!

It seems as though we just finished up the last one...and what a glorious one it was! Thanks to everyone who commented on the links provided. We were shooting for 5000, a lofty goal...we got ...5,450!!! Wonderful!! Thank you! There was lots of money raised and I am sure that our Charlie will have the most beautiful room ever...

Now, down to the business at hand...This week's Pink Saturday...If you have visited my Little Pink Blog at all this week then you are aware that I finally went back to work ...I covered my Fiasco of a first Day Back in a previous post trulysimplypink Click on it...great entertainment...
So I won't go into that again...the rest of the week went a little better than that, thank Goodness...
I do have to say that the week simply flew by...I am exhausted...It is a pleasure to sit here typing... LATE... on a Saturday morning, contemplating what kind of PINK stuff to put up here for my Pink post...Hmmmm...so what will it be...I know...I was able to get a little shopping done...nothing like a little shopping to perk a girl up! Don't you agree? Here is my purchase! Conveniently Pink of course!


Don't forget to visit...Beverly at...

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Seriously? Thursday!

Seriously?! I went back to work on Monday...Finally...but that is not the Seriously...this is...I got maybe about three feet from the SUV and I went down...hard...

Seriously?! I decided to leave the stuff in my left hand on the ground but I had my purse and my computer bag nicely settled on my right shoulder...and so...you guessed it...I decided to just stand up like that...

Seriously?! Very, Very, bad idea ( picture Indian man from Seinfeld wagging finger here) I went down... again... 

Seriously?! I just sat there and said out loud to myself...well that didn't work...

Seriously?! Not so much to myself...I looked up to see the very Nice Dr. that usually gets there around the same time as I do, walking over to me, asking if he can help me up...I explain that I think I need to put everything down..

Seriously?! He agrees...I try to disengage the straps from my arm to no avail...they are hopelessly tangled and I give up and stare at the straps of my pretty and heavy coach bags...

Seriously?! Nice Dr. reaches down and unwinds the big one so that I can get them off of my arm...so far so good...

Seriously?! I then proceed to put my two hands on the ground like a toddler and lift my large ass in the air and stand up...yep said ass was pointed at Nice Dr....stop laughing!

Seriously?! I notice at this point that my white pants on my left knee have a decidedly pink tinge to them... uh oh...

Seriously?!  I proceed to pick up all of the bags again...I am beginning to realize that this was a bad idea to begin with. I am weak and should not be carrying so much. I have not worn real shoes for a month. I need to walk slowly and concentrate...Dr. asks if he can carry something. I refuse and he leaves...I thank him and ask him not to tell my Podiatrist that he witnessed this (they work in the same office)...he nods...I should have asked him not to tell anyone...remember this...

Seriously?! You did not think this fiasco was over did you? Oh no...he and I get on at the second floor. My co workers get on at the first floor. Keep this in mind...I get to the 4th floor and see one co worker heading down to the O.R. she asks after me and I tell her what happened...then she says "no one is in there, I don't know where they all are... I didn't see them in the garage either..."

Seriously?! I head on in and sit in the back to check out my knee...said knee does not look good...there is much commotion and they come in looking for me and asking if I am all right! 

Seriously?! You see...when Nice Dr. got on the elevator on the second floor my co workers were already on it and discussing the busy day ahead...they mentioned the fact that "Kim was back today" Someone else said they weren't sure...I had mentioned to ND while sitting on the floor of the garage, that it was my first day back after being out sick for a month(not a good beginning)...so when he hears this on the elevator, he mentions to the ladies that I am there and that I have fallen twice. They think ND is kidding. He manages to convince them that he is, indeed,telling them the truth, he really did see me fall twice in the garage...

Seriously?! So the reason there was no one in the lab? They all got off the elevator and went back down to the second floor of the garage to see if I needed any help! ND told them he thought I had too many bags, really? ( this is when they knew he really had seen me, aka: the bag lady)...In the meantime I went up on another elevator...

Seriously?! Is this sounding like a Laurel and Hardy skit or what?!

Seriously?! And that was just the first day!!

Oh, here is a picture of my knee, taken on Thursday...three days later...

Saturday, August 13, 2011

It's a Very Special Pink Saturday!

And not just because it is my first one in a month...lol..
Beverly over at howsweetthesound is actually making this one a little more special than all of the rest...and here is the scoop!
This Pink Saturday is actually a Miracle Makeover Blog Party! 
There are 4 hosts and Beverly. A dollar will be donated for each comment on each of the 5 blogs! You don't have to donate anything...Just comment! So click on the links if you will, and they will donate a dollar for each comment received to the Design Gives Back Miracle Makeover!
Here are the 4 other host links...the first one shows a video of Charlies Room Makeover...
 Design Gives Back @Design Gives Back/Kelee
Spiritual Sunday  @Spiritual Sunday/Charlotte & Ginger
Metamorphosis Monday @Between Naps On The Porch/Susan - 
comments on Monday Only
Country Wings in Phoenix @Country Wings in Phoenix/Sherry

 Now, for my contribution to Pink Saturday...As you all know I am blessed by just being here...I was diagnosed in 1995 with stage II Triple Negative Breast Cancer( before we even knew what that was)...That same year the Longaberger company started their Horizon of Hope basket campaign... 
A few years later I bought my first one...when I found out that the first one came out in 1995...well...you ladies know what happened next...that's right, I did what any other self respecting little pink shopper would do...I hunted the others down!!I have all of them now and I am about to show you! Yes, I am...
There is the entire collection..minus the one I just received...Aren't they pretty? There is even a travel mug there in the front...lol...

Here are two pictures of the 2011 HOH basket and the potpourri basket also..and they just happen to be sitting on top of the scarf they offer this year...yes, I bought that too...did you doubt it?

Here we have a few more cuties in the Horizon of Hope Line. (please ignore the dust)..Yes, they see me coming....But it is for a good cause after all...they have raised a lot of money for the American Cancer Society over the years for Breast Cancer Research.
I am just throwing this young lady in because I picked her up while I was on vacation in June...and she has a pink hat and a pink purse and I like her...
So...that is my Pink Saturday...Enjoy! And be sure to click through and comment for a good cause...
Thanks so much!


Friday, August 12, 2011

It's Pink and Green Thursday! Only on Friday...

I went outside today! I mean for the first time in a month, I actually went outdoors and sat for just a little while...I couldn't stay too long, but it was long enough...Because I saw one of these...

A Humming bird!!!
Absolutely made my day! The first one I have seen this summer!


Something new!

Hi there,

Some of you may have noticed, if you have looked around, that there are two new pages listed at the top...how about that?! My little pink blog now has a Breast Cancer Corner and a Little Pink Library...I will be adding to both, so they are works in progress...just like the favorite quotes page, and the Buttons page too! Now, I am making recommendations on the my library page. They are just books and series that I have enjoyed, and that I think you may also...These are my opinions...

Most of you may know that I am a breast cancer survivor and an advocate a, very involved one...my little pink blog is not about that, but if you are interested, the page is there...right now there is not much there, just some symbols...Click if you want to, or not:))

That's it for now...

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Rambling Warrior!

Hi there,
I found something recently...I have marvimarti to thank for it...she posted about being a rambling warrior and said she found it on a blog called ramblingsofadiva. Well after reading about it, I decided that I also am a Rambling Warrior and I took the pledge...Are you?? Read on and decide for yourself...If so, sign on!


Here is the pledge...

What is a Rambling Warrior? A rambling warrior pledges to be a blogger who is not afraid to post what they feel. We write what is on our minds with integrity and can do it with tact and style.
I am not mean, I am honest. I am not out to hurt anyone,  I am simply stating the facts. Sometimes those facts are humorous, sometimes sad, sometimes irritating, but always honest. Does that sound like you?
Then head on over and take the pledge...
I do so hope that my little pink blog is always honest and and never mean. I am already a Pink Warrior, now I am a Rambling Pink Warrior!


I'm baaaack and here is a new one for you...It is...

 To join in just click on the picture and link up...Thanks to      marvimarti for hooking me up
So here goes:

Seriously?! Sick for a whole month? I am so over this...who could have guessed when I began to feel ill on July 17, 2011 that I would still be out of work and at home on August 11. 2011...Enough already!

Seriously?! I am finally cleared to back to work on Monday the 15th! A month later...

Seriously?! Just a call to the Dr. and after a few words she makes a diagnosis, confirmed with tests...how does she do that??...I am fairly medically oriented and I still can't figure how she did that!!
She's good!

Seriously?! I will really miss this baby come Monday! That is Bailey on my lap...He has been my constant companion...

Seriously?! Top of the first and the Orioles are losing 4-0 already and 32 pitches thrown already..."come on Man"...Yikes!

Seriously?! Football? It is still summer people...and did basketball not learn anything from the football people?...sheesh!

Seriously?! I have missed a third of the summer, my crepe myrtles are blooming out there without me and the humming birds have been drinking out there too:(

Seriously?! I have missed a months worth of Pink Saturdays:((

Seriously?! I have missed this!

Seriously?! Why can't the baseball guys that are chewing the gum just swallow? huh? I cannot fathom the amount of DNA floating around on those fields...just sayin'

Seriously?! I got bitten by a freakin' mosquito while sitting on the couch the other night...3 TIMES!!! I told my DH I would have been better off outside at the table behind the netting...

Seriously?! I think I am done now:)) Too much fun!
