And it is the one following the BIG day...around these parts that means "The Race"...The Komen Maryland Race for the Cure...So, in honor of that Auspicious Occasion, I will post some pictures...I do promise that I will be posting a write up of the beautiful day...but for now...some images from our morning...
MICA students set up for a morning of portrait the Survivor Tent...
(they drew portraits of those survivors that desired one)
Another shot...
We gather for the big photo after the Parade of Pink...
Our very own PINK Fireman...He has lost all 3 of his sisters to Breast cancer...
Race Official...That's me...
Bang the Drums...The Pink Warriors are afoot...
We have our survivors sign canvasses with the I-words on them...we hung the ones from previous years on the walls of the tent...Can you find my signature?
Here they come! 32,500 Strong!! We are fighting, we will win this fight!
The theme for our Survivor Tent this year...
The signing begins...mine is in the loop of the favorite I-word is actually Imagine...I signed that one
The stones...
Our Creations...
Here it is...My favorite...
I will leave you with this...I have already taken up way too much of your time...if you have lasted this long, I thank you! must say that I am the author of the above hangs on the outside of "my" Survivor Tent each year...Truer Words...
As always linking up...

and OK in honor of the Halloween thing...