"I BELIEVE IN PINK! I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles."— Audrey Hepburn

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Every night, friends. You have done what you could. Let it go.

“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Pink Saturday!

Yes I know I said Happy Birthday to our Beverly last Saturday...but apparently I shouldn't have...that was supposed to be this week...sigh...so...Happy Birthday Beverly....Stop on by and say hey at howsweetthesound...I am supposed to include some yellow here somehow! Because...get this...Beverly's favorite color is yellow! Gasp! I just cannot believe it! The lovely hostess of PINK Saturday's favorite color is yellow!?! What is this world coming to!?! SMH...
Anyway...I have spent this entire day on the computer...I had some work to do...I did accomplish it...but I think not as well as I wish...
I am working on a project with a teammate and, well, I feel as though she has done more...sigh...I hate that...
I went in a different direction and she wrote more...you know how it is...I keep checking to see what she says about what I wrote but nothing yet...sigh...

I woke up needing one of those! I call that the migraine sufferers candy...I usually give myself a chance to get somewhere without it but no go today...

It did work!
Then there was that ..

And then there was this little guy...You see it was just he and I all day today! My daughter was working and my husband was out playing...So when I got up and sat back down Bailey climbed up and took the place of my computer...and who am I to deny him? By the way, Bailey says..."I am a DOG!" Carry on...lol...
So I guess I feel as though my partner did a better job and that I need to make up for that:(

Poofy Cheeks

This week I am also linking up with athomewithbooks saturday-snapshot-

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sunday Sampler...

Well, here we go...another Sunday draws to a close...why oh why do they go by so quickly? Sigh...I must say that it was a nice relaxing day...Bailey woke us up too early...

There he is:) Hard to resist...even though I am the one that growls in the morning:(

No one will ever accuse me of being a morning person!

Anyway...once I finally made my way out of the bedroom, I grabbed some coffee and something to eat and settled in with the little pink laptop and turned on the TV...this is not a necessity, the TV that is, but the open was on...and I love to have sports on in the background...Golf is especially nice...the greens are so pretty, and the voices so soft and for the most part so non intrusive...
Sports are a BIG part of my life in the summer...Oh don't worry, I don't exert myself:) don't be silly! I watch them and route for those guys:) Baseball especially:)

I have always been a fan of that sport...Pretty much since 6th grade...
I follow 3 teams and they are all doing well right now:) 2 of them are right here in town:) I have been to all three of them to watch games! But mostly I watch them on TV! I will watch any team if mine aren't on...
We go to Minor League games too Such fun! I love it!

If I pay attention to the schedule, I can pretty much work it so that I can have baseball on non stop all weekend...SWEET...lol...
A couple of weeks ago I was able to go to a minor league game at Ripken Stadium that raised money for Komen! What could be better than that? My favorite cause and my favorite sport!?!
Speaking of Breast Cancer...

I have busy in that arena also...
I applied and was accepted to a program that will be happening in September in San Francisco...I just also applied for one that is happening in San Diego in October..I won't find out about it for a while yet...Oh don't worry it will take place after the race...sheesh!
Oh the race...we have meetings coming up for that and I have had a lot of conference calls lately, and I have to plan a meeting for the survivor committee soon...I feel as though that might be getting away from me...
OK! I think it might be time to change the subject...

Maybe I'd better wrap this up...I have stuff to do...

I'm getting overheated just thinking about it...

It's Pink Saturday!!

And this week it is a very special one...this week our lovely hostess Beverly from howsweetthesound is celebrating her birthday...and rumor has it that it is a BIG one!
So...let's see what kind of pink goodies we can come up with for the  important one hmm? Because Lord knows all of us Pinkies just love to take part in "our" Pink Saturday...

First up...

Yum! I couldn't resist sharing these Pink goodies...and you may notice they are for a cause...
Now...let's see...

Perhaps Beverly would like a new hairdo for her big day...

Or a new pink kitchen:)

Hey Beverly! How about a little Bling for your Birthday!

The lovely Birthday Cake:)

Or maybe cupcakes?

How about a trip to a Pink place of your choice?

For you Beverly...
Thank you for all the Pink Saturdays...

Uh Oh!!!
It looks like I did this celebration way too soon...We are supposed to do this next week! (I wondered while visiting around, why no one was celebrating Beverly) (how rude, I thought) lol...
Well I think I will just need to plan another pink celebration for next week:))

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Weekend Wanderings...

Hi There...I believe that it has been a while, and I must apologize for that...sigh...but, I will move onward...I attended my very first Book Release Party yesterday!
I had a blast! 
As most of you know, I love to read:)

I am actually on Laura's street team, and so when I found out that this event was happening not too far from me, I immediately made plans to be there!
Lara Kaye is a delight, and a great author. She writes books of the Paranormal Romance and Contemporary Romance ilk...
The release party was to celebrate the release of her book, 
West of Want.

Yummy, huh?
Below is the synopsis from Amazon...But that isn't what this post is about...I mean I have been to a book signing before...I stood in an unbelievably long line and said a few words to the authors and got a signature...had some fun with my fellow groupies...but this was different...
We were a small group. Laura's husband and two small daughters were there as well, although in the background...Laura sat at a table up front and the rest of us sat in chairs around the little alcove in the book store...She then proceeded to read a few of her favorite excerpts from her book...what fun...at times she would pause to explain the background, or maybe to tell us how the segment came to her or how the characters spoke to her...it was truly fascinating!
At times Laura would stop for questions...At one point we all got up and she signed for us.

We posed for pictures!

Reading from another of her books...

There she is...Laura Kaye...

A fun shot...we loved Laura's shoes...but you can't see them too well...
After the snacking and signing, we all sat back down and she read some more and we talked some more...we asked her some questions about the process and she explained to us that the characters speak through her...she doesn't work from an outline, she does not know where the story is going when she sits down to write...I am fascinated by this concept. It seems as though the stories are as real to the author as they are to me, the reader. Somehow that is a comfort to me. I feel this way because, as a reader, I know that I become immersed in the story and that I become involved, or invested in the characters, if you will...I think it might hurt a little if I were to learn that the author were not at least as involved as that in the process....I am happy that Laura is...especially as I feel as though I have just a tiny little hand in this...as a member of her team I mean...
Oh, what does that mean? Just that when she asks us to promote her books or an event, we pass it on...Did she ask me to do this? NO, she did not!! This one will be a surprise to her...
Anyway...the Amazon synopsis is below...I should mention that West of Want is the second in a series...the first is a delightful book, called North of Need...you can find that at Amazon also...

Betrayal is all he's ever known, but in her, he'll find a love strong enough to be trusted...

When Marcella Raines' twin brother dies, she honors his request to be buried at sea, never expecting the violent storm that swamps her boat. Though she's gravely injured--and still emotionally damaged from her recent divorce--Ella fights to survive.

Zephyros Martius is the Supreme God of the West Wind and Spring, but being the strongest Anemoi hasn't protected him from betrayal and loss. Worse, he's sure his brother Eurus is behind it. When Zeph's heartbreak whips up a storm that shipwrecks a human, his guilt forces him to save her.

Ella is drawn to the vulnerability Zeph hides beneath his otherworldly masculinity and ancient blue eyes. And her honesty, empathy, and unique, calming influence leave Zeph wanting...everything. When Eurus threatens Ella, she and Zeph struggle to let go of the past, defend their future, and embrace what they most want--a love that can be trusted.

Below is the Amazon link

So that was my fun day yesterday! I really enjoyed the intimacy of the small group and the reading...I had never been a part of that before and I will definitely do that again...although I do believe that the groups will continue to get larger:)

Sunday, July 1, 2012

It's Been a Long Week!

And a busy one too...

It started here, at Ripken Stadium in Aberdeen, MD...not too far from home...My husband, myself, and few other volunteers manned the Susan G Komen table at the Aberdeen Ironbirds game during last Sunday's game honoring Women and Breast Cancer...We had a blast and the Stadium is a beauty! We had not had the chance to check it out yet...I even had cinnamon roasted cashews for the first time! Yum! 

Here is a picture of our table! Luckily we were in the shade with a great breeze! 
I say this because the weather has been beyond hot around here!

It's blurry, but you get the idea...that was the temp. during my ride home on Friday! Oh, and have I mentioned that my vehicle does not have a working AC!?!...

(clears throat) I did find time for a little quality computer time...(clears throat a second time)

I ordered new lenses for these on May 29...still waiting...
I am pretty tired of blurry vision let me tell you! I have progressive lenses and I have found that if I look through the middle for my distance I can see better...So I lift my head and look down...creating pretty bad posture in the process...to top it off, my very cool new shades are in, but thinking that my new lenses would be here any time I have waited to pick those up...
I have had at least 3 conference calls after work this week and since I cannot listen or partake in the car with the windows open...I have to stay late...Grrr...

But then I come home to this little guy and he makes it all better:)
So....that's what I've been up to. How about you all?
Talk to me!
I am linking up with Snapshot Saturday (athomewithbooks) and Pink Saturday!(howsweetthesound)
Oh and...

A little early...

That's it for me this lovely, hot, Saturday...
Until next time...
